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Recommended for You
LSR YL: 5.0 59000 words
2023-07-10 ★★★  X コメント数:58 

Salesclerk competed how many customers buy books from them. Relationship between salesclerk is also interesting. You can read it without thinking any issues.

Hundred Dresses, The
HCI YL: 3.2 7142 words
2023-04-04 ★★★★★  X コメント数:58 

I read it in Japanese when I was in elementary school, so I was glad that LL had an English version! Wanda always teased by classmates because of her unique name. Suddenly, she moved to a big city with her family. How did classmates, especially Peggy and Maddie, think about it? The title is symbol of this story. What does “The hundred dresses” mean?

Princess Diaries, The
MC-PD01 YL: 6.5 58534 words
2023-03-30 ★★★★★  X コメント数:58 

One of my goals in reading LL is to read an original book of “Princess Diaries” which was acted by Anne Hathaway. It is my favorite movie. Original has some different points from movie, but both are great!

Cry Freedom
OBW6 YL: 5.5 26000 words
2023-02-22 ★★★★★  X コメント数:58 

I could understand the detail of Woods and Biko’s friendship which we read at Genius class. Woods and his family’s  escaping part impressed me because many people help them.

Pocket Full of Rye, A
AGT16 YL: 4.5 24763 words
2022-11-14 ★★★★  X コメント数:58 

ラスト1ページで急に疑問が解決する仕掛けで面白かった。Ms.Marple がどのように犯人を追い詰めるのかが書かれず少し残念、、

Royal Wedding Disaster
MC-FN2 YL: 5.5 37000 words
2022-08-30 ★★★★★  X コメント数:58 

This story reminds me of my childhood because I wanted to be a princess when I went to kindergarten. Olivia is a perfect princess since she lead Luisa to be a good royal members.  

Where Are the Galapagos Islands?
WHERE YL: 2.5 8000 words
2022-08-15 ★★★★  X コメント数:58 

久しぶりにこのシリーズを読んでみた。中2、3くらいの時はとても時間をかけて読んでいたが、サクッと読めて息抜きになる! 物語に飽きてきた時に良さそう 

Future Energy
OFF3 YL: 3.4 10244 words
2022-08-06 ★★★★  X コメント数:58 


From the Notebooks of a Middle School Princess
MC-FN1 YL: 4.5 26331 words
2022-07-26 ★★★★★  X コメント数:58 

If you have read “Princess diaries”, you have to read it! The very normal girl, Olivia , suddenly learn that she is a second princess of Genovia. Her special experience started! 

East 43rd Street
CER5 YL: 5.5 23000 words
2022-07-19 ★★★★  X コメント数:58 

It is long story, but sentences are written in simple English. Marley is clever and a little cold, so he reminded me of Mr. Sherlock. 

Boy in the Dress, The
DVW YL: 4.5 22000 words
2022-06-25 ★★★★  X コメント数:58 

One boy bought a “vogue” which is a one of the most popular fashion magazine for women. His father did not like what his son did, but Lisa who was the prettiest girl  told him it was wonderful. Lisa made him go to school with pretending to be a girl, but it caused a happening… 

There's a Boy in the Girl's Bathroom
LS YL: 4.5 35483 words
2022-06-07 ★★★★★  X コメント数:58 

Bradley changed a lot after he met the best counselor, Carla. She always accepted him whatever he did. ここ一年くらいで1番素敵な話だったのでおすすめです 

Great Food Bank Heist, The
BST YL: 2.8 11000 words
2022-03-26 ★★★★  X コメント数:58 

I hadn’t heard about Breakfast Club before I read it. Children who have a problem of food poverty go to breakfast centers before school.

Someday Angeline
LS YL: 4.5 27500 words
2022-03-24 ★★★★★  X コメント数:58 

Angeline is special, it means she had already  known a lot of things before she was born. Her father loved her, but also afraid of her intelligence. There are family love, friendships in this book. I am sure you  will enjoy it.

Too Small Tola and the Three Fine Girls
ATI YL: 2.4 5890 words
2022-03-16 ★★★★  X コメント数:58 


Judy Moody Predicts the Future
JM04 YL: 3.8 11000 words
2022-03-14 ★★★★  X コメント数:58 

Judy Moody is interested in predicting others’ and her future. Her  fortune-telling is supported by the color ring from cornflakes’ box.

Judy Moody Gets Famous!
JM02 YL: 3.8 10000 words
2022-02-12 ★★★★★  X コメント数:58 

Judy tried to many unique things so that she could be famous. She is little bit saucy, but I liked her character.

Horrible Harry and the Holidaze
HHR YL: 3.5 5721 words
2022-02-08 ★★★★  X コメント数:58 


Communication Technology
WHR6-2 YL: 3.5 1326 words
2022-01-31 ★★★  X コメント数:58 

intuitive …直感的に 短めだけど語彙の勉強になった 

Smallest Girl Ever
AMCB YL: 3.8 13000 words
2022-01-30 ★★★★★  X コメント数:58 


But Was It Murder?
CER4 YL: 4.5 17857 words
2022-01-05 ★★★★★  X コメント数:58 

It was so interesting that I could read it in three days. You won’t be sure of whether it was suicide or not if you don’t finish reading it. かなりおすすめ! 

CDE-A2 YL: 2.2 2000 words
2021-12-30 ★★★★  X コメント数:58 

スライムはねばねばするもの全般のことを言うのだと分かった。 人体のことが結構分かる 

Sushi Nation
CDE-A2+ YL: 2.4 2500 words
2021-12-30 ★★★★  X コメント数:58 

It was very easy to read and I learned Japanese own culture with this book. It reminded me of a trip that my family and I went to California and ate California rolls.

Esio Trot
PEN-RD YL: 3.5 4225 words
2021-12-28 ★★★★  X コメント数:58 

I couldn’t understand Mrs.Silver decided to get married with Mr.Hopper because of only his strange acting. Will they be able to stay together with happiness? 

glee: Summer Break
SCE3 YL: 3.2 9943 words
2021-12-18 ★★★  X コメント数:58 

I was relieved to knew that Rachel’s horrible behaviors were all her bad dreams. I want to watch “glee” on Netflix, but it has  more then 100 stories! If I had enough time, I would watch it…

Twits, The
PEN-RD YL: 3.5 8107 words
2021-12-15 ★★★★  X コメント数:58 


JWS YL: 3.5 14000 words
2021-11-10 ★★★★  X コメント数:58 

クロエが意地悪すぎて驚いた。 アメリカの女の子たちは誕生日にお泊まりパーティーをするのが普通なのか⁉︎ 調べてみようと思う。 

A is for Alibi
MGR4 YL: 3.8 23000 words
2021-11-04 ★★★★★  X コメント数:58 

 I couldn’t stop reading because there is many suspects and it made me get interested. 

Lift Off
CDE-B2+ YL: 2.8 3800 words
2021-10-26 ★★  X コメント数:58 

colonization:植民地化? 難しい言葉が多かった。 

Amber Brown Sees Red
AB6 YL: 3.8 11181 words
2021-10-26 ★★★  X コメント数:58 


CDE-B1+ YL: 2.6 3200 words
2021-10-21 ★★★  X コメント数:58 

One of gold’s big benefits is that doesn’t corrode, but I wouldn’t like to wear it because gold sometimes change their shapes.

PAGE8 YL: 3.8 15721 words
2021-10-18 ★★★  X コメント数:58 

I couldn’t know who is Gill, but I enjoyed the story. Alison really wanted to go to summit of Kilimanjaro to gather enough money for Gill’s daughter. 

Little Women
OBW4 YL: 3.8 14920 words
2021-10-12 ★★★★  X コメント数:58 

Meg とMr.Brookの恋模様が複雑だった。なぜLittle Womenが若草物語に翻訳されたのか謎

Forever Amber Brown
AB5 YL: 3.8 9443 words
2021-10-09 ★★★★  X コメント数:58 

I was glad Amber and her mother decided to live with Max. I think they will be a good family.

Five One-Act Plays
PEA3 YL: 3.2 7598 words
2021-10-05 ★★★★  X コメント数:58 

会話形式でとてもわかりやすい。 “The professor” では、忘れっぽいのにとても機転が効く教授が可愛かった。

Ghost at the Fire Station, The
HTLR6 YL: 3.5 12000 words
2021-09-26 ★★★  X コメント数:58 

知った文法が結構出てくるのが面白い。 a stack of : たくさんの comfort :慰める reward: 報酬を与える

Bad Blood
PAGE9 YL: 4.0 15141 words
2021-09-26 ★★★★  X コメント数:58 

I do not like Jay’s father telling false to his family. 

How to be an Alien
PEA3 YL: 3.2 7845 words
2021-09-26 ★★★  X コメント数:58 


Judy Moody Was in a Mood
JM01 YL: 3.8 11000 words
2021-09-26 ★★★★  X コメント数:58 

Judy は弟に厳しいのかなと思いきや、作品にジュースをこぼされても機転を利かせてフォローしてて驚いた。知らない単語が結構出てきた

Akimbo and the Lions
AKMB YL: 3.5 8886 words
2021-09-20 ★★★★  X コメント数:58 

知らない単語も割と出てきたが、読みやすい文章だった。 Simba の成長がとても早かった

Amber Brown Goes Fourth
AB3 YL: 3.8 9933 words
2021-09-01 ★★★★  X コメント数:58 

Amberも新しい友人も、親友を作らなきゃと頑張って空回りしているところが可愛い。 おもしろいシリーズ 

Long Road to Lucca, The
PAGE9 YL: 4.0 15855 words
2021-08-23 ★★★  X コメント数:58 

CD was a little bit fast, so I turned it slowly(0.9). Lizzy’s cousins were horrible because they only interested in money and Bea’s  fortune.

Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close
PGU5 YL: 3.8 17311 words
2021-08-18 ★★★★★  X コメント数:58 

It was very sad story because it showed me about World War 2 and the accident on September 11th 2001, so clearly.  This story is a base of the movie which is called same title. 

Secret Room, The
HTLR5 YL: 3.5 12000 words
2021-08-16 ★★★  X コメント数:58 

Clair’s lady family members have same skills when they were girls. It is the ability to see ghosts.

Wild Country
CER3 YL: 3.6 14700 words
2021-08-12 ★★★  X コメント数:58 

A lots of invents happened in only ten days! I thought Sarah and James enjoyed their own holiday because Tess did really nice to them.

You Can't Eat Your Chicken Pox, Amber Brown
AB2 YL: 3.8 10085 words
2021-08-10 ★★★★  X コメント数:58 

Amber figured out that her parents both of love her, but they divorced. It made her sadness. I want to they will live together. However, it probably will never happen.

Marvel's Captain America: Civil War
PEA3 YL: 4.0 12047 words
2021-07-28 ★★★  X コメント数:58 

文章はあまり難しくないので大体分かったが、登場人物が大量にいて、且つ誰がどっちの味方なのかというので混乱した。 映画を見たことがある人は入りやすいと思う。  

Five O'clock Ghost, The
HTLR4 YL: 3.5 12000 words
2021-07-26   X コメント数:58 

I was glad because Kaz got new ghost skills. I hope he finds his parents in the next book.  

Climate Change
PGU3 YL: 3.0 7444 words
2021-07-14   X コメント数:58 


Haunted Library, The
HTLR1 YL: 3.5 11669 words
2021-06-15 ★★★★★  X コメント数:58 

One toast boy and his family were brought the human’s world by strong wind. However, Kan, the goats boy missed his family. I hope he finds his family next book. 

Ivy+Bean Take Care of the Babysitter
I&B04 YL: 3.2 8203 words
2021-06-10 ★★★★  X コメント数:58 

ナンシーが少し大人になった気がした。 学生がベビーシッターでお小遣いを稼ぐのはアメリカっぽい

Jane Eyre
PGU4 YL: 3.4 12084 words
2021-06-07 ★★★★★  X コメント数:58 

I read this story in another series a year ago. Jane Eyre decided everything herself. I like her strong personality. 

Stephen Hawking
PGU3 YL: 3.0 6265 words
2021-06-04 ★★★★  X コメント数:58 

I really interested in universe, so l enjoyed this book. Also, I was surprised that he married twice.  

Choice, The
PAGE6 YL: 3.0 5799 words
2021-06-02 ★★★★  X コメント数:58 

I disagree with Anna  put up with her career. concentrateが「集中する 」だとわかった

PGU4 YL: 3.4 12615 words
2021-05-23 ★★★★  X コメント数:58 

Emma likes to advise someone. However, it sometimes may make problems! I don’t like her personality, but story was interesting. 

Ivy+Bean Break the Fossil Record
I&B03 YL: 3.2 7960 words
2021-05-13 ★★★★★  X コメント数:58 

文量はあまり多くないので、空き時間に読みやすかった。 主人公2人の女の子の発想が独特で読んでいて面白い。

Bucket List, The
CDE-B2 YL: 2.6 3500 words
2021-05-09 ★★★  X コメント数:58 

Bucket list means end your life. What do you want to do before finish your life? There are some hints in this book.

CDR3 YL: 3.6 11901 words
2021-04-16 ★★★★  X コメント数:58 

I haven’t heard golf is a one of popular sports in Scotland.