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Princess Diaries, The
MMR3 YL: 3.0 15000 words
2024-06-29   Rilakkuma コメント数:83 

My teacher recommend this book to us so I decided to borrow it. I really enjoyed the story while I read it! Though it is a long book with 15000 words. I felt the time passed very quickly. I can't wait to read the next book of this series.

Olivia and the Bad Boys
MAD1-2 YL: 0.5 211 words
2024-06-29   Rilakkuma コメント数:83 

I understand Jack's feeling, but still I think he should help Olivia. I feel sorry for Olivia, for she was made a fool by the bad boys without reasons, and she cannot make friends with anybody because of it.

Young Riders of Mongolia, The
FPR1 YL: 1.8 951 words
2024-06-28   Rilakkuma コメント数:83 

I have read about the Naadam race, an important tradition of Mongolia, in a different book.No matter how many times I read, it is surprising that children in Mongolia are be able to ride horses such a long distance.

Orangutan Language
FPR4 YL: 2.4 1441 words
2024-06-27   Rilakkuma コメント数:83 

I didn't know that orangutans had abilities to communicate with each other using language. It is a pity that such smart animals are in danger of extinct, but there may be still hope. The friendship between Shoemaker and Inda and Asie warmed my heart. I'm still not sure about one thing. How do the orangutans and Shoemaker develop language skills by naming the objects?

New Girl in School, A
MAD1-1 YL: 0.5 207 words
2024-06-27   Rilakkuma コメント数:83 

This book was much shorter and easier to read than I had expected. Mayne it was a right choice for me to choose this as a book which I read before the examination. I can't wait to read the next book. Will Jack be able to help Olivia?And is Olivia really a wizard?

Wild Cities
PGU2 YL: 2.4 6000 words
2024-06-25   Rilakkuma コメント数:83 

I didn’t know that so many kinds of animals are living in cities. It is a good thing that the animals which once disappeared from the city should be able to live there because it became cleaner than before. However, it is true that living with wild animals around can be difficult. We may have troubles, such as a car hitting the animals or a dangerous snake biting a man. We must live together keeping a distance from each other. To accomplish it, we must learn about the animals and think of some rules and customs to protect them. For example, we should keep the rivers clean, and also we should not leave our pets in the city because it can be a big problem.Trying to make a kind city for animals may be helpful for us, too.

King Arthur
LBR6 YL: 2.0 1600 words
2024-06-25   Rilakkuma コメント数:83 

The story was interesting, but I think it hasn't finished yet. I wonder where the next one is.

Gliding Across the Gobi
FPR4 YL: 2.4 1788 words
2024-06-25   Rilakkuma コメント数:83 

Gliding over the desert seems to be exciting, but the way to reach it is very dangerous…. It is surprising that people should normally live there.I don't want to try it, but I could understand that we have to learn about the desert so that we could think of something to stop it from growing.

Lost Love and Other Stories
PGR2 YL: 2.4 6100 words
2024-06-24   Rilakkuma コメント数:83 

As this book consisted of some short stories, it was easy to read. I liked the story, “The Charm” best. In it, the character said that a brave man is a man who does not let his fear stop him, and it gave me some courage. I want to be such a person. Life may be strange sometimes, but that makes it more interesting.

Who Was Princess Diana?
WHO YL: 2.5 8000 words
2024-06-24   Rilakkuma コメント数:83 

I admire her very much for treating others equally, though she was a beautiful woman from a nobility. However, I wonder if she was such a perfect person as was written in this book. In other book which I read a long time ago, I think she was said to be "A Princess who is said to be a heroin of sad fairy tale after she died". Maybe, people rose up her and thought she was such a great person like a heroin after her dramatic last. I should check other books and find out the truth

Dreamtime Painters
FPR1 YL: 1.8 1019 words
2024-06-24   Rilakkuma コメント数:83 

I didn't know that Aboriginal culture was the oldest continuous human culture on Earth. The ancient Egypt culture or Chinese culture doesn't continue any longer. I think that is why the Aboriginal is said to be the oldest. In the last sentence, the author says, "Hopefully, they(the rock art) will help save memories of the great civilization who owned this land long ago, and who still own it today," but I doubt if the owners of Australia nowadays are really Aboriginal people. I think the Europeans, who came to the continent later, are ruling it now. They should pay more respect to the Aboriginal and their culture and something to protect them.

Twelfth Night
BR3 YL: 2.5 6000 words
2024-06-23   Rilakkuma コメント数:83 

The story was interesting, but the ending doesn't make sense for me. Why did Duke Orsio asked Viola to marry him so suddenly? What made him to do so? Moreover, what will happen to Maria, who had played a trick on Malvolio and Antonio, who was arrested by the policeman?

Ballet Shoes
PGU2 YL: 2.4 4500 words
2024-06-22   Rilakkuma コメント数:83 

I like this kind of series. The girls always think about each other naturally, and I think it is not an easy thing to do. I hope that they will be able to lead a happy life ever after, putting their names in history books. All people in this book are nice and warm, and that's another point in which I like the story.

Gorilla Watching Tours
FPR2 YL: 2.0 1134 words
2024-06-21   Rilakkuma コメント数:83 

I didn't know that mountain gorillas are so hard to see. It reminded me of Hanno,which was in an OBW book n J3. He too was a victim of human's activities. I hope the gorillas will have a better life in the future.

PAGE7 YL: 3.2 8246 words
2024-06-20 ★★★★★  Rilakkuma コメント数:83 

I can’t believe that this book had 8000 words! How quick I felt the time passed! Besides describing Alyssa’s feeling very well, it had a little mystery about her experience. Moreover, the expression of nature was really beautiful. It made me feel like visiting Taxas. I hope Alyssa will lead a happy life, writing something which will change the bad world. I think she will probably able to do that with Zach, supporting each other.

Dangerous Dining
FPR3 YL: 2.2 1300 words
2024-06-20   Rilakkuma コメント数:83 

This book explains about Japanese dangerous culture, a custom to eat fugu. It reminded me of my friend who made a presentation about this fish. It made me laugh a little, though I know I should not to, that putting fugu in a shape of chrysanthemum, which is a common flower at funerals

Classifying Plants
COM7 YL: 1.0 1819 words
2024-06-20   Rilakkuma コメント数:83 

The information in this book had a close connection with what I learned in Biology class. If I had not had Biological knowledge, I would not have understood the content. I learned that we can use what we learned in other subject to understand a book written in English. Note for me mosses=a kind of plant that do not have a system to keep or move the liquid in their body(vascular system) spore=a spore is very small, and it floats in the air. Mosses and ferns both reproduce by spores.

自宅本 YL: 3.2 10000 words
2024-06-19   Rilakkuma コメント数:83 

I enjoyed the story all though the reading, and I like the ending in some way. I think it was good for Hoomy to find his ambition at last, and am happy for Nails for his having his place. However, I don't like the adults who always decide what the children will do by themselves. I think they should care about the children's feeling more

SCE1 YL: 2.2 3845 words
2024-06-19   Rilakkuma コメント数:83 

Before reading this book, I didn't know even the name of this fantastic player. I could see that he was a wonderful player from the beginning, but I wander if he really didn't have a hard time. I wanted read more about it and how he had overcome it.

Phoenix and the Carpet, The
BR3 YL: 2.5 6000 words
2024-06-18   Rilakkuma コメント数:83 

I have read "Children and it", the first volume of this story, but I had never read nor heard of this book. I recognized that this book was the second volume of it because it gad the name, Anthea, Cyril, Robert, and Jane. How Lucky I am! I enjoyed the whole story, but I liked the ending best. After all, the Phoenix was really kind and warm-hearted that he should use his one last wish to send the children presents . One thing that I felt sad was, that the sand-fairy, which was in the first book, didn't appear at all except for his name.

Climate Rebels
PGU2 YL: 2.4 4084 words
2024-06-17   Rilakkuma コメント数:83 

I forgot to bring earphones with me, so I couldn't listen to the MP3.I t was still interesting, though. I didn't know most of the people in this book, but they all amazed and impressed me. It was surprising that William, a boy in A Africa, should have made a windmill by himself.

Who Was Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart?
WHO YL: 2.5 7502 words
2024-06-15   Rilakkuma コメント数:83 

I chose this book because I wanted to know the life of Mozart, the great composer who wrote more than 600 concertos, sonatas, symphonies, and operas. It is surprising that he should have done so many works in his thirty-five-year life. I didn't know that he was so talented a child. If only he had lived a little more long! At least he could have finished the requiem .

Cambodia Animal Rescue
FPR3 YL: 2.2 1369 words
2024-06-12   Rilakkuma コメント数:83 

It 's a sad fact that so many animals have to stay in the center forever. Even though it was the best way for the animals to survive, I cannot stop wondering why they have to do that. We must do something to stop poaching, or we will lose the wild animals.

Homes Around the World
ORD5 YL: 2.2 3357 words
2024-06-10   Rilakkuma コメント数:83 

I didn't know that there were so many kinds of home in the world. It is surprising that the White House should have 35 bathrooms! It's hard to believe that it is a "home" of the American president. I didn't know that some houses in Iceland had roofs covered in grass. I think it is a wise way to keep the temperature in the house comfortable.

about Time
SCE2 YL: 2.8 7639 words
2024-06-08 ★★★★  Rilakkuma コメント数:83 

I liked this story a lot! I have never heard of it's title nor story, but the information told me that it became a movie. I'd like to watch it. The conversation between Tim and his farther in chapter 8 almost made me cry. Here is the sentence that I liked best. "There are always days we would like to change. But they are an important part of our lives. They are still days to remember."

How to Turn Down a Billion Dollars
PGU2 YL: 2.4 5252 words
2024-06-06   Rilakkuma コメント数:83 

Before reading, I didn't know the name of the application, "Snapchat",. Maybe, it's not so popular in Japan as it is in the U.S.? I think people around me is using Instagram or X more often. I don't agree with all of the idea of Evens'. I think the company should think about the users as well as making money.

Wind Power
FPR3 YL: 2.2 1381 words
2024-05-30   Rilakkuma コメント数:83 

I didn't know that there ware some schools which have its own wind turbine. What a good idea it is to save money by using wind power to make energy! It is good for school, and good for environment, too. Also, it is a good business for them to sell extra energy.I heard that Japan is rich in geothermic, so maybe we should use it wisely.

Puffin Rescue
FPR2 YL: 2.0 960 words
2024-05-29   Rilakkuma コメント数:83 

I didn't know that there was a tradition to help Puffins.If the children learn to be kind to the birds, it will help them to think about the environment and it will help the birds, too. I hope the birds which were helped in the town will be able to live freely in the wild life.

Adventure Capital of the World, The
FPR3 YL: 2.2 1359 words
2024-05-29   Rilakkuma コメント数:83 

The pictures were beautiful, but I don't want to try any adventure sports. It seems very dangerous and scary. However, I'd like to visit New Zealand once in life as it seems a beautiful, green country.

Great Migrations
ORD5 YL: 2.2 3463 words
2024-05-27   Rilakkuma コメント数:83 

I didn't know that so many kinds of animals migrate to escape from cold or to breed. I also learned that the animals' migrations are in danger because of climate change. If the ocean currents change, it will be really hard for those which learn the right direction to go by feeling ocean currents to reach the right place. We must do something yo help them.

Who Was Helen Keller?
WHO YL: 2.5 8500 words
2024-05-27 ★★★★★  Rilakkuma コメント数:83 

This story told me not only about Helen Keller, but also about her teacher, Annie Sullivan. I didn't know that she was an orphan nor she was not sure if she could teach Helen. I was so impressed by the relationship between Helen and Annie and the fact that being in Keller's gave Annie her first home. This series has no audio, so at first it was not easy to read. However I think I am coming to be able to read this fast. The more I read, the faster I will be able to. I will keep on trying, like Helen.

Memory Man, The
FPR2 YL: 2.0 1135 words
2024-05-22   Rilakkuma コメント数:83 

It was a very interesting idea that a great memory may not depend on the right DNA only. The sentence, “ Everyone can remember more if they try,” gave me hope. First, I will try hard and remember some English words and the way to answer the mathematical questions for tomorrow’s exam.

Disappearing World, A
FPR2 YL: 2.0 1202 words
2024-05-21   Rilakkuma コメント数:83 

I didn’t know that the rain forest in Africa had so many animals and I didn’t know that it has an area of fast moving water and very old forest. We cannot see it in other area so often! We must protect it. This book has many big pictures, so it made me think about the value and importance of the forest.

Night Hunt
FPR3 YL: 2.2 1493 words
2024-05-20   Rilakkuma コメント数:83 

I could understand how dangerous to live in the wild life. The animals at the area must make decisions quickly or they will be eaten by another animal! How scary it is! I hope the young servel cat. which couldn't catch his meal this time, would get one next time.

PGR2 YL: 2.4 5500 words
2024-05-19   Rilakkuma コメント数:83 

I didn’t like the story while I was reading it because it was dark and dangerous, but I ‘m happy that it had a happy ending. Elzevir did bad things, but he was always kind to John. He was a criminal in police’s eyes, but was a loving farther for John. Sometimes, poverty makes people do wrong things. That’s too sad. *smuggler=a person who takes goods into or out of a country illegally

Blog Love
SCE0 YL: 1.0 1935 words
2024-05-18   Rilakkuma コメント数:83 

I once had a plan to study English in the U.K. for two weeks, so it was interesting for me to read about Junko, a Japanese girl who stays in London for three months. As my mother said, you shouldn’t be shy in foreign countries, or you will never make any friends. I think Junko should avoid meeting Jeff. He seems to be dangerous. In my opinion, Silvio is Slow Boy and he is right for her.

Transportation Then and Now
ORD5 YL: 2.2 3425 words
2024-05-18   Rilakkuma コメント数:83 

I didn’t know that there were so many kind of transportation in the world.Especially, the world’s longest car, which has a swimming pool ,was really a surprising new fact for me. I’d like to get on a gondola in Venice, and someday, I want to try a jet back, too. It seems exciting that you can fly anywhere with it.

William and Kate
OFF1 YL: 2.0 5132 words
2024-05-17   Rilakkuma コメント数:83 

Before the reading, I didn’t know about William and Kate at all. It seems they are a very happy couple, but it is a sad fact that things are always difficult for the wife or husband, boyfriend or girlfriend of the member of the royal family. It seems hard for Kate and Williams to do their usual work and their work as the part of the royal family.I hope they can have a happy future together. The picture and explanation of the big wedding cake made me feel hungry. I wish I could have one someday.

Butler School
FPR3 YL: 2.2 1877 words
2024-05-17   Rilakkuma コメント数:83 

I didn't t know that there was a butter school in England and I didn't know that they really walks with a glass on their head. It seems a little funny that they continue walking with a glass on their head, saying "Your Champaign, sir", "No problem, sir".

Smallville Arrival
SCE1 YL: 2.2 4620 words
2024-05-16   Rilakkuma コメント数:83 

The story was difficult. I still don't understand what happened in 1989 and what where Carl has come from. It was a bit sad that Clark and Lana didn't fall in love in each other, but I think it's realistic.

Stories of Magical Animals
UYR1 YL: 1.6 1600 words
2024-05-16   Rilakkuma コメント数:83 

I didn't know the evil creature, cockatrice, and I didn't want to. It's name is like a call of a rooster, but it was not funny at all. I am happy that it doesn't exist in our world. I wonder what makes the difference between pegasus and unicorn.

OBW2 YL: 2.8 5945 words
2024-05-15   Rilakkuma コメント数:83 

This is a sad and dark story. Almost everyone in this story dies. I knew the story and borrowed it, but it was sadder and darker than I thought. It made me unhappy. I would like to read some nice and happy stories next.

Puffin Keeper, The
PGU2 YL: 2.4 4200 words
2024-05-15   Rilakkuma コメント数:83 

I liked the picture and I liked the story, as well. I am happy that Ben is not a lonely old man any more. I wonder how many people live there in puffin island.

Birds in Paradise
FPR3 YL: 2.2 1196 words
2024-05-15   Rilakkuma コメント数:83 

How wonderful to live in such a beautiful island, breathing pure oxygen! This book is a documentary about Neckless, who tries to take photographs of a rare bird. When he got the photo, I was amazed. I hope he will find more amazing fact.

PGR2 YL: 2.2 5000 words
2024-05-14   Rilakkuma コメント数:83 

I think continuing nonviolent protest required a great courage. He could have been hurt while he was marching or stopping work. He’s turely a brave and determined man. It’s too sad that he should have died by being shot.

Taiko Master
FPR1 YL: 1.8 929 words
2024-05-14   Rilakkuma コメント数:83 

I didn't know that taico was so famous in the U.S.! I didn't know that it was so hard a work to drum.

Octopussy & The Living Daylights
ODM2 YL: 2.6 8391 words
2024-05-14   Rilakkuma コメント数:83 

I knew that the story of James Bond was famous, but I didn't know about him at all. When I read the first story. "Octopussy", I thought he was as cool a man as cucumber, but after reading the second story. I could see that he has a human heart.However, I still don't understand him.

Stories of Ghosts
UYR1 YL: 1.6 1800 words
2024-05-13   Rilakkuma コメント数:83 

I thought it's funny that the ghost is on television when you switched it on to watch cartoon. Also. I liked the idea of ghosts having their peaceful hotel. Although this series has some difficult words. I can read it having fun.

Audrey Hepburn
PGR2 YL: 2.2 4900 words
2024-05-13   Rilakkuma コメント数:83 

Before reding, I didn't know much about her. I thought she was in " Gone with the wind", but actiolly she wasn't. A famous acteress like her has a bad time in life. It gave me a little hope.

Who Was Marie Antoinette?
WHO YL: 2.5 8000 words
2024-05-11   Rilakkuma コメント数:83 

I learned about French Revolution in history, so I thought it would be a good reivew to read this book. It is true that Marie Antoniette had spent a lot of money,

Christmas Carol, A
PGR2 YL: 2.4 8800 words
2024-05-10   Rilakkuma コメント数:83 

I know it’s a bit too fast to read a Christmas story, but I couldn’t wait to read this until Christmas. I have read this book in some other series, but this was the most detailed book that I have ever read. I thought it’s so frightening that the poor people should take the furniture from Scrooge’s house after he died. I learned the importance of being kind to others. I want to keep smiling all the time as much as possible. I looked up the dictionary, and found the proverb, “One good tern deserves another”. I think it is really a kind and true proverb.

What's So Funny?
ORI6 YL: 2.8 3091 words
2024-05-10   Rilakkuma コメント数:83 

I think it’s a very dangerous idea to make people buy more things by controlling their feeling. I’m happy that Grandpa and Clunk could make the cure in time, and I think Clunk is really wise to make it in place of Grandpa. He’s a robot, so he didn’t catch the laughing illness. Maybe, he’s the strongest character in this story?

Wizard of Oz, The
HP3-06 YL: 1.8 4440 words
2024-05-06   Rilakkuma コメント数:83 

I have read this story in Japanese but it was different from this book in some way. In the Japanese book which I read, Oz said the three friends had already had what they wanted, for they had shown it through the journey. However, in this book, he gave them to the friends without saying that they already had it.( it was not a real brain, heart, or courage though) I wonder which was the real story.

Picture in the Attic
PAGE6 YL: 3.0 9373 words
2024-05-03   Rilakkuma コメント数:83 

When I read this story a little before I browed it, I thought it would be a scary story, and it was. I was as scared as Emma as I read through the story. ( Maybe it was because I read it at night.) I'm happy that this book had a happy ending. I hope Emma and Chalie will have happy life ever after.

Nate the Great Goes Down in the Dumps
RH-NTG11 YL: 1.8 2228 words
2024-05-03   Rilakkuma コメント数:83 

I thought that Rosamond's box could be under her crate, but I had no basis. I wonder if I will be able to solve the case before Nate.

Nelson Mandela
SCE2 YL: 2.8 6201 words
2024-05-02   Rilakkuma コメント数:83 

I know a little about Nelson Mandela, but I didn’t know detailed information about him. That’s why I took out this book. I cannot believe that so many people should die in the protest against apartheid, and I cannot believe that Mandela had tried so many years to make the new South Africa even though he had been to prison so many years. If I were he, I would have given up when I had been sent to such a bad prison and had not been able to be present at my mother’s death.

American Life
PGR2 YL: 2.2 3500 words
2024-05-02   Rilakkuma コメント数:83 

It was confusing becouse the audio had some words or sentences which was not written in the book.(though it was a good practice of listenng) I could learn a lot about America in the past and now.

Dirt Bike Rider
WH4 YL: 2.0 3009 words
2024-05-02   Rilakkuma コメント数:83 

Andy has a good heart to help Gizmo though he had once been jealous of him. Being jealous of my friend may often happen, but I want to have a generosity to congratuat her heartly.

Robin Hood
HP3-08 YL: 1.8 4560 words
2024-05-01   Rilakkuma コメント数:83 

I have read “Robin Hood” in some different series, but I’ve never read about how he lived before he came to be called Robin Hood. I didn’t know that he gets a wife, either. In this book, I could learn more about Robin’s characters and why he lives in the forest. That made the book more interesting.

Bella in Wonderland
SAD2-2 YL: 1.2 1397 words
2024-04-30   Rilakkuma コメント数:83 

I'd like to go into the books, but I don't want to go into this book.I think the wonderland in this book is strange as well as Bella. This series is very easy to read but I won't be able to read it so long, for I have already read most of them.

Three Musketeers, The
ODM2 YL: 2.6 9057 words
2024-04-29   Rilakkuma コメント数:83 

I didn’t know that “Sanjyuushi” was “ The Three Musketeers”. I realized it when I heard the name, d’Artagnan. I wonder why it is “three” though there were four friends. It was an interesting story and I was astonished to see how evil Milady was. I think the Cardinal should have been punished as well as Milady.

Railway Children, The
PGU1 YL: 1.4 1260 words
2024-04-29   Rilakkuma コメント数:83 

At first, I thought this would be a sad story, for its title was “The Railway Children”, but it was a mistake. This is a kind, hear-twarming story.I was impressed with the old gentleman’s kindness. He gave the children good food and some money though they were completely strangers.

Lost in New York
PGR2 YL: 2.2 4100 words
2024-04-29   Rilakkuma コメント数:83 

I don’t want to get lost in New York. It’s too big and has too many buildings to find someone . Nicky was lucky to find Mrs Minerva on the boat, but I couldn’t expect who Mrs Minerva was! I know it’s a story, but I think Nicky should not have run away from police. If he had told them everything, they would have not think he was a thief and have helped him.

Tiny Ocean, The
SAD3-6 YL: 1.4 2256 words
2024-04-27   Rilakkuma コメント数:83 

I was surprised that should be up to 10 million planktn in one bucket of ocean water.I also scared of rhe fact that so many plastics are floating in the ocean. We don't want to eat a fish with a lot of plastics inside, so we must do something.

Tolstoy's Short Stories
HP3-01 YL: 1.8 4540 words
2024-04-26   Rilakkuma コメント数:83 

I thought Tolstoy's story would be difficult to understand, but it wasn't. I think I had read "Ivan the fool" before, but I had forget the ending.People call him Ivan a fool, but I think he isn't. This story tells us that a man who is deligent and peaceful isn't a fool even if he seems to miss his chance to success becouse of it.

All about Desert Life
ORD4 YL: 1.6 1692 words
2024-04-26   Rilakkuma コメント数:83 

I didn’t know that so many people, animals, and plants have lived in desert. Desert is an interesting place as well as a very dry place. I was also surprised that there are some animals that sleep in the hottest parts of summer. I don’t like hot seasons, so I’d like to sleep during summer, too. I learned that people in China are using wall of trees to stop desertification near the Gobi Desert. It is like the new “Great wall”!

Northanger Abbey
MMR2+ YL: 1.2 6900 words
2024-04-25   Rilakkuma コメント数:83 

It was my second time to read this story. The first time I read it, I simply enjoyed the story, and this time I learned some lessons from it. We should choose people who we make friends. Isabella Simms Tobe a good girl at first, but she turned out to be a selfish girl. We won’t know the true friends until we get closer to them.

Extraordinary Life of Mahatma Gandhi, The
PGU2 YL: 2.4 3600 words
2024-04-25   Rilakkuma コメント数:83 

I knew that Gandi was the man who had wirked for Indian dependence, but I didn't know that he had worked for South Africa, too. I feel happy that India had got its independence at last, but I feel angry with British for making trouble between Hindus and Muslims.

Wild Water Ride, A
SAD3-5 YL: 1.4 2189 words
2024-04-25   Rilakkuma コメント数:83 

This book was about “Water cycle”. Jack and Bella had been in a size of molecules and traveled with them. I couldn’t believe Popup could do that! I learned that liquid changing into gas is “evaporation” in English, and gas changing into water is “condensation”.

Five Plays for Today
PGR2 YL: 2.4 6063 words
2024-04-24   Rilakkuma コメント数:83 

It was consists of five short stories and was easy to read. I like the second one, “Let’s talk now!” the best. It made my heart warm. I wish I had a friend like this as my neighbor.

Merchant of Venice, The
HP3-05 YL: 1.8 4440 words
2024-04-24   Rilakkuma コメント数:83 

I am happy that Antnio had saved his life, but I am not sure if what he had done was right. It is true that trying kill Antnio was a bad thing to do, but I don't t

All About Plants
ORD4 YL: 1.6 1729 words
2024-04-24   Rilakkuma コメント数:83 

This book has a lot of interesting fact about plants. I didn’t know that there were a seed which can weigh 30 kilograms (about the same as a ten-year-old child) or a plant which does not have any roots and grows on water. I could see that plants are very important to us as well. I will buy recycled paper when I can so that I can protect the plants.

Three Tales of Deadly Desire
PAGE6 YL: 3.0 8542 words
2024-04-23   Rilakkuma コメント数:83 

At first, I thought this book was similar to “Zenitendo” but, it was more scary than it. Each story told me that we cannot get what I wanted easily. For people who doesn’t like a frightening story I recommend not to read this.

Story of Helen Keller, The
HP3-04 YL: 1.8 4500 words
2024-04-23 ★★★★  Rilakkuma コメント数:83 

I have read about her life in Japanese, but this was my first time to read it in English. I cannot imagine how it would be like to live in the world that has no light and no sound. It was thanks to her teacher, Anne ' s lessons and Helen's hard work that Helen could learn many things and help other people. I was surprised that Anne should be only 21 years old when she came to teach Helen.

Hope on Turtle Island
ORI6 YL: 2.8 3217 words
2024-04-22 ★★★★  Rilakkuma コメント数:83 

What a terrible idea to stop turn off all the world’s electricity. I am happy that Rosie, Ben, and grandpa succeeded in persuading Professor Hope.I liked the ending ,too. Moreover, it was short and easy to read! That’s why I gave this book ★4.

Small Problem, A
SAD3-4 YL: 1.4 2077 words
2024-04-22   Rilakkuma コメント数:83 

I don't think that the small animals and plants are disappearing.We have to find the way to save them like the elves.

PGR2 YL: 2.2 3100 words
2024-04-22   Rilakkuma コメント数:83 

It was short and easy to read.I could understand why Susie liked Jack.I think he is a good boy.However, I can't understand why Susie says Donna is a best friend.I don't think she' s a good person.

Incredible Earth
ORD4 YL: 1.6 1700 words
2024-04-21   Rilakkuma コメント数:83 

The title, “Incredible Earth” remained me of a Disney movie, “Incredible Family”(though I had never watched it) The contents were like the things that I am learning in Geography class. I learned that “プレート” is “crust” in English.

Best Friends
PAGE6 YL: 3.0 7994 words
2024-04-20   Rilakkuma コメント数:83 

It was about a girl who fell in love with her best friend, though he had already had a girl friend. The story was not special, but somehow it made me feel interested. Maybe because the conversation between the characters were funny? This series is easy to read, so I want to recommend it to the others.

Time Machine, The
ODM2 YL: 2.6 9198 words
2024-04-19   Rilakkuma コメント数:83 

I learned about this book in SAD series and thought it seemed interesting.It was interesting in fact. I’m worried about Weena and I don’t want this terrible future to be real. I will not stop using my brain and moving my body so as not to be the weak, lazy Eloi. I should also pay attention to the environment.

Life on the Edge
CDE-B1 YL: 2.4 3000 words
2024-04-16   Rilakkuma コメント数:83 

There were some technical terms in this book, and I sometimes got lost. Perhaps it was too early for me to read this level. It was surprising that living in space should make me taller, but I don’t want drink urine.

All About Ocean Life
ORD4 YL: 1.6 1665 words
2024-04-16   Rilakkuma コメント数:83 

I read a book in this series after a long time. Last time I read it, I thought it was too difficult for me, but now I could read it easily. It's a sad thing that the sea is polluted.

Barack Obama
SCE2 YL: 2.8 6273 words
2024-04-16   Rilakkuma コメント数:83 

I have heard his speeches, so it was interesting to learn about his life.Many people think he was a great President, and I thought it was because he is an African-American and knows how hard the life is for poor people. However, it was mistake. It is true that he knows the hardship of poor life, but it is not because he experienced it but he listened to it from many people. He had made a lot of effort to change the country, and I think that’s why he is said to have been a great President.