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Eirie Elementary: the Locker ate Lucy!
自宅本 YL: 2.0 400 words
2024-05-05 ★★★★★  Pudding コメント数:2 

I read it because the recommendation on “Books for senior3” was so attractive. I first got really surprised that Lucy had been eaten by the locker ,and the adventure made the fear even stronger…

Mercy Watson Goes for a Ride
MW2 YL: 2.0 2176 words
2023-10-13 ★★★★★  Pudding コメント数:2 

ブタさん🐷✨😍と夫婦の👩‍❤️‍👨💖🫣お話だったヨ‼️ブタさんの🐖🍑🤭🤭可愛かったナー😘😘🤩🤩 そしてイラスト🎨🐽🐷がとにかく😳かわいいヨ🫶😚😚😉 みんなも読んでみてネ‼️🤗🤗🤗😃😃