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Ways to Live Forever
SN YL: 4.7 28938 words
2022-03-13 ★★★★★  Happmin コメント数:13 

I love the way Sam spend every minutes. Ending of this book is so beautiful.

Spy Who Came in from the Cold, The
PGU6 YL: 4.2 18179 words
2022-01-01 ★★★★  Happmin コメント数:13 


But Was It Murder?
CER4 YL: 4.5 17000 words
2021-12-28 ★★★★★  Happmin コメント数:13 

People want to get money and be loved by someone they crazy into. Who killed? It was suicide? why? I recommend this book(and this CER series) to students who want to try book which level is 4-5. The number of words seems hard to finish reading. Though it is take times to read, you may read all pages eventually. I promise this series (book) will be good step to read more books.

Great Gatsby, The
PGU3 YL: 3.0 8514 words
2021-12-12   Happmin コメント数:13 


No Place to Hide
CER3 YL: 3.6 15212 words
2021-12-12 ★★★★★  Happmin コメント数:13 

ミステリーですが、ストーリーが整っていて面白かったです。 語彙としてはわからない単語はなく、読みやすい。

Secret Garden, The
CS YL: 3.0 19500 words
2021-09-18 ★★★★  Happmin コメント数:13 

The words of this book is difficult for me. However it is easy to understand story. The sound of this book's CD is very good. This book made me leave form smartphone to see outside. Any seasons, we will find how it is beautiful.

Leon Spreads His Wings
WS YL: 1.6 1900 words
2021-08-28 ★★★★  Happmin コメント数:13 


Light in the Cellar
AG-M YL: 3.4 22320 words
2021-07-26 ★★★★  Happmin コメント数:13 

Genre is mystery but you can know about history. This story about American children life during World War Two. It has 157 page but no matter of it!

Babe: The Sheep Pig
PGR2 YL: 2.4 8100 words
2021-06-27 ★★★★  Happmin コメント数:13 

犬、豚など違う動物でもお互いに偏見を持たずに紳士的に接している姿に心打たれた。 BeBeがどう成長していくのか読んでいて楽しかった。

Phantom of the Opera, The
HP4-02 YL: 2.2 6500 words
2021-06-27 ★★★★  Happmin コメント数:13 


Haunted Opera, The
AG-M YL: 3.4 22512 words
2021-06-27 ★★★★★  Happmin コメント数:13 

長いが、楽しんで読める本。 単語が難しくても、同じ単語が何回も出てくるので、考えながら読みやすい。 夏休みLLに行く時間がないけど、英語の本が読みたい人におすすめ!

Audrey Hepburn
PGR2 YL: 2.2 4900 words
2021-05-24   Happmin コメント数:13 

She was in many famous movie, but her life isn't good at all time.

Logan's Choice
CER2 YL: 2.6 9700 words
2021-04-26 ★★★★  Happmin コメント数:13 

最後まで容疑者が絞れない本格ミステリー! Loganの行動力を尊敬した。 ミステリーを読みたい人におすすめです。