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Parties and Presents: three short stories
CDR2 YL: 2.6 7884 words
2024-06-21   Flower Village コメント数:20 

I think chapter2 is most interesting story. Leila is main character in this chapter. She and her family went to the party. In the party,they are dancing with a man. They wore beautiful dress and pretty make up. I seem she was enjoyed enough this time,so I also have fun when I was read them.

Long White Cloud, The
OBW3 YL: 3.2 11150 words
2024-06-14   Flower Village コメント数:20 

At first,the book is difficult for me,but perhaps I just understand this story's summarize. I think chapter4 is the best story. The older parents are main characters. The beginning is this. The man is ill,so he is going to die. His wife has helped him. And,hey're talking about which does he wear his pajamas when he die. It's very sad thing. However, it's important for them. I was sad,but I felt warm my heart when I read ending.

Ask Alice
CDR2 YL: 2.6 7936 words
2024-06-10   Flower Village コメント数:20 

Alice writes for the student website at her school. She advice to the students who want to help. She looked send a great life. However,she also has a her problem. Her parents divorced. She lives with her mother,without father. It is difficult because she want to meet and go to the somewhere with her father in the holidays,but her mother doesn't want to do them. If your parents separated,they are parents for you. It is not change. Parents problem is not my problem,so I think children wouldn't like get involved.

Get Smart
CDE-B1 YL: 2.4 3000 words
2024-06-05   Flower Village コメント数:20 

The brain is interesting because we don't know it's detail. But,it is controlling the many things such as sneaking and thinking,listening like that. The brain can feel senses. It is difficult. I think that us the most interesting about the brain.

Who Is Malala Yousafzai?
WHO YL: 2.5 8000 words
2024-06-04   Flower Village コメント数:20 

Mlala Yousafzai is amazing person. She is from Pakistan.She was ten years old,war come to Pakinstan.So, there were not safe place and she couldn't go to the school.It is big problem for her.After,she has complained about children must get education.She is brave and strong.I admire for her because she is able to say that she want to something,but I sometimes cannot tell them.I respect her.

Are You Listening?
CDE-A1+ YL: 1.8 1900 words
2024-06-01   Flower Village コメント数:20 

I can listening to the sounds. It is good for me. I play the piano everyday now. I think music has a lot of colours. Colours and atmosphere of the music are same,but it is difficult to distinguish. go deaf は耳が聞こえなくなるという意味

Little Trouble in Amsterdam, A
CDR2 YL: 2.6 7960 words
2024-05-31   Flower Village コメント数:20 

This book is that one boy and one girl are solved the painting steal. This problem's result is very interesting and surprising for me. Killing people is much worse than stealing a painting.I especially impressed this phrase. Killing is most worst crime in the world. Of course,people steal something is terrible.

Another World
PAR2 YL: 2.4 5054 words
2024-05-30   Flower Village コメント数:20 

This book's theme is not real world.It is fiction and imaginary story.I could not understand people all things who live in not real world because they don't know about family and money,also society.they and we are different,but I am able to image the another world.I read interestingly.

Story of Tracy Beaker, The
PGU2 YL: 2.4 5000 words
2024-05-06   Flower Village コメント数:20 

Children had various reasons and they stayed this children's home.Of course,Tracy also had it that is sad things because of her personality is not good and very naughty. However,she talked other children in there and she wrote somethings.I think writing is nice for me because I can organize my ideas and feelings. naughtyは、やんちゃという意味。

Ballet Shoes
PGU2 YL: 2.4 4500 words
2024-05-05   Flower Village コメント数:20 

This story's main characters are three child,Pauline and Petrova,Posy Fossil.They didn't have parents,but they helped each other.Their relationship was good,so they could have life happier I think. Each wants to do different things.Pauline want to act and Petrova would like study aeroplanes,Posy loves ballet like that.I know,even if they were family and sibling,they would not have to do the same.

Earthquake, The
PAR2 YL: 2.4 5191 words
2024-05-04   Flower Village コメント数:20 

The earthquake is dangerous and scary.It can change everythings.For example,a lot of people dead and had ill and hurt,broke the buildings,people was panic.I don't want to think about these terrible things and happend,but we must prepare for the earthquake after read this story I think. Earthquakeは地震という意味。

Anna Liza and the Happy Practice
BST YL: 2.2 3900 words
2024-05-02   Flower Village コメント数:20 

I was interested Anna's action and ideas.When I read this book, I was told she want to become a doctor. It's good dream I think and the many kind of the dream can grow up us.

Extraordinary Life of Mahatma Gandhi, The
PGU2 YL: 2.4 3600 words
2024-05-01   Flower Village コメント数:20 

Gandhi made the amazing history about India such as India become independent country from British and all people castes and religions to be equal,so he want to peaceful around the world. I think if Gandhi wasn't in India,India wasn't independent country and India is in British. Gandhi is kind and brave person.I respect him.

Grandad's Magic Gadgets
CDR2 YL: 2.6 8023 words
2024-04-30   Flower Village コメント数:20 

When I was reading the story,My feeling was not good because Grandad's gadgets were crazy.If I am Marvin,I hate Grandad.However,I changed my feeling after I read this book.Grandad's gadgets had magic power such as make the friends and to get the better. I want to try his gadgets. ⚠MP3が少し変です。

Secrets to a Long Life
CDE-B1 YL: 2.4 3000 words
2024-04-28   Flower Village コメント数:20 

I surprised to first-born child is a lot of succces because I'm also older sister. People's life is differ that people think "I am happier person!"or "I am not happier person..."I want to think happier own life.

Anne of Green Gables
PGU2 YL: 2.4 4913 words
2024-04-27   Flower Village コメント数:20 

Anne's hair is red .it's rare,but we do not make fun for her hair coulor because it is not her fault. Anne's story is sadly and lonely,so I thought,finally this story is nice because she was a happy experience.

Extraordinary Life of Anne Frank, The
PGU2 YL: 2.4 4124 words
2024-04-27   Flower Village コメント数:20 

Anne is powerful and brave girl . Anne's diary is very very important for her. I don't write diary now,but I also would like write diary about that day happening and many things.

CDE-A2+ YL: 2.4 2500 words
2024-04-26   Flower Village コメント数:20 

People need to eat suger in my life. Of course,suger has many good point for us but,it has bad things. I think,when we eat suger,we should eat suger carefully. I want to know about other seasoning!

Intense Surf
GFI1 YL: 2.2 1300 words
2024-04-24   Flower Village コメント数:20 

I never have surfed,but they can surfing very well,so I also want surfing too. However,they hurt who to good at surfing.People have to careful about sports every time.

Extraordinary Life of Malala Yousafzai, The
PGU2 YL: 2.4 3335 words
2024-04-20   Flower Village コメント数:20 

マララさんの演説で "One child,one teacher,one book and one pen can change the world"というフレーズに感動しました。自分が思い出したくもないような辛くて、怖い経験をしてもそれを伝えようとしたり、同じ境遇に遭っている女の子を助けようとする姿勢をこの言葉から感じられて、本当に素晴らしい人だなと再確認できた。 このシリーズはYLの割に分かりやすいので、おすすめです。