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Angels, The
PAGE3 YL: 2.2 4274 words
2024-06-29 ★★★★★  夏音 コメント数:26 

Flueur wasn't a good leader.She was too strict to grow up other students. Students were nice,I think.Flueur made mistakes,but they didn't think "This mistake is all of her". Finally,they could trust each other again.

You Just Don't Know Her
PAGE2 YL: 2.0 3862 words
2024-06-13 ★★★★★  夏音 コメント数:26 

Is she a nice person?Finally,all man likes Flueur,but they thought she was a bad garl. Were they made crazy by love,weren't they?

PAGE2 YL: 2.0 4009 words
2024-06-11 ★★★★★  夏音 コメント数:26 

Jack was a gifted,I think.However he used his skills for the wrong way.He changed his friends grade by hacking and got some money.He thought that it was bad,however he didn't understand it was too bad.At last he was arrestted.I think he's going to regret for his life.

Amazing Muslims Who Changed the World
PGU3 YL: 3.0 9945 words
2024-06-08 ★★★★★  夏音 コメント数:26 

Nine teen people were written on the book.I think people who made history don't give up,they have their own opinion and they action quickly.

CDE-A2 YL: 2.2 2000 words
2024-06-04 ★★★★★  夏音 コメント数:26 

Madagasca isn't a rich countory,but the Malagasy have ideas to save their country. I think they interested in their country so they can plotect amazing biodiversity and grow their economy.

He's Mine
PAGE2 YL: 2.0 4330 words
2024-06-01 ★★★★★  夏音 コメント数:26 

They got into trouble with guys. I think, Belinda is low mental age.I don't want to be a friend,like Belinda.

CDE-B1+ YL: 2.6 3200 words
2024-05-30 ★★★★★  夏音 コメント数:26 

People who had an accident could survived.I was surprised.Also,I knew that their life was difficult after they were helped.I thought reportars mustn't interview too much.

PGU3 YL: 3.0 9072 words
2024-05-29 ★★★★★  夏音 コメント数:26 

It was very interesting story.August has something wrong with his face.His face was extraordinary so some people laughed at him.Also people who were friends with August wasn't talked by other classmate.There were discriminatuon,but August and his friends didn't lose and they became good friends.

Shark Attack
CDE-A2+ YL: 2.4 2500 words
2024-05-27 ★★★  夏音 コメント数:26 

People think sharks are dangerous animal.However,it's false.Of course,sharks sometimes attack people,but people hurt them more than sharks hurt people.People should learn correct knowledge about sharks.

Secrets to a Long Life
CDE-B1 YL: 2.4 3000 words
2024-05-06 ★★★  夏音 コメント数:26 

If you want to be happier than now,you try to change way of thinking.On the other hand ,people trying stay positive is sometimes stressful for people.I think, most happiness way of thinking is 70% positive thinking 30% negative one.

Love Frankie
PGU3 YL: 3.0 10000 words
2024-05-05 ★★★★★  夏音 コメント数:26 

This was a lesbian love story.Flankie was a lesbian.She worried about falling love with a girl.However,she was brave enough to tell people.She told her family,friends and her class that she had girl friends.

Greatest Invention of All Time, The
CDE-A2 YL: 2.2 2000 words
2024-05-04 ★★★★★  夏音 コメント数:26 

I think antibiotics is the greatest invension.It's because it can help many people's lives directly.Other invensions are very great,but they are only usuful things and don't help lives directly.Helping lives is most important of all time.

Only in America
CDE-A2+ YL: 2.4 2500 words
2024-05-03 ★★★★  夏音 コメント数:26 

People in the US do funy ivents for fun. Most competions raise money for charities, dog,education and more.People can join charities with pleasure.It is nice system for everyone.

Secret Dreamworld of a Shopaholic, The
PGU3 YL: 3.0 9719 words
2024-05-01 ★★★★★  夏音 コメント数:26 

Becky liked to go shopping.She dependent on spending money.She couldn't stop to waste money.She wanted to change herself so she tried to become a Cut Back person,but she wasn't be an ideal person.She could only think about her owing. Finally,she could return her all bills.How did she return much owing?

Death in the Freezer
OBW2 YL: 2.8 6200 words
2024-04-30 ★★★★★  夏音 コメント数:26 

Ms.Shore had a very complicated life.When she was a child,her parents didn't look after her.They only loved her brother because he was a boy.After they became adults,she hated her brother very much. She wanted to kill him and belong his all estate. I think the end of the story is interesting.Do you think she is just a psychopath? Please,read this story.

Life Online
CDE-A2+ YL: 2.4 2500 words
2024-04-29 ★★★★★  夏音 コメント数:26 

Internet and technology have advantage point and disadvantage point.We should learn either side.We have to use our brain when we use technology.

Frankly in Love
PGU3 YL: 3.0 9350 words
2024-04-28 ★★★★★  夏音 コメント数:26 

Frankly foll in love.However his parents discriminate other ethnic groups.They are racist.He wanted to date with his girl friend ,but didn't wanted to fight with their parents.He felt dilenmma. Most story like this,main character love goes well,but Flankly and his girl friend break up with lover in the end. I thought this love story was very interesting.

Picture of Dorian Gray, The
PGU3 YL: 3.0 8594 words
2024-04-27 ★★★★  夏音 コメント数:26 

It was difficult to understand the story.The man pursue living pleasent,but he did many terrible things.It because he thought only beatiful life.That was all he could think of. Finaly he tried to change,but it was too late.His life was terrible until death.

Slice by Slice
CDE-A2 YL: 2.2 2000 words
2024-04-24 ★★★  夏音 コメント数:26 

I could learn about pizza's history.Also there were many questions in this books. One of them ,``Is pizza good for us?``.I like to eat pizza,but I think that I get weight, if I eat many pizzas.I want to think what to eat for my health.

City Experiment, The
CDE-A2+ YL: 2.4 2500 words
2024-04-24 ★★★★★  夏音 コメント数:26 

This book is a documentary of Greensburg.This town was destroyed by the tornade.However, people who lived in Greensburg wanted to rebuild their town. Moreover they wanted to make thir town ``green``.They carefuled about environment.Now many countries learn about ecological from Greensburg.

Grace Darling
OBW2 YL: 2.8 6700 words
2024-04-23 ★★★★★  夏音 コメント数:26 

A ship had accident in the bad weather. People who were in this ship thought that we are going to die.On the other hand,there is a young woman,Grace is a very strong woman. She helped many people in danger.I think she is a hero to them.

Michelle Obama
PGU3 YL: 3.0 7478 words
2024-04-21 ★★★★★  夏音 コメント数:26 

Michelle Obama always does her best to make the world a better places. She did many campaigns.More over , her most important thing is education. I admire her because she do things her own way. Her ideas helps many people, I think.

Stories from the Five Towns
OBW2 YL: 2.6 5540 words
2024-04-20 ★★★★  夏音 コメント数:26 


New Yorkers
OBW2 YL: 2.6 6500 words
2024-04-20 ★★★★  夏音 コメント数:26 

オーヘンリーの短編集なので隙間時間に読みやすい。特に貧しい男女が贈り物をしあうThe gifts of the Magiはオチもしっかりしていてとても面白かった

Summer Intern, The
OBW2 YL: 2.8 6762 words
2024-04-20 ★★★★  夏音 コメント数:26 


Life in Mumbai
CDE-A1+ YL: 1.8 1900 words
2024-04-20 ★★★★★  夏音 コメント数:26 

ただ単に、インドについて紹介しているだけではなく社会問題への問いかけもあって面白かった。 特に、最後の女性専用者についての文が一番記憶に残った。まず、インドにも女性専用者があるんだあという発見があった。 また、本にも書いてあったがインドは人口が多いため非常に危険な電車の乗り方をしているため、 男性は女性専用者に対してかなり複雑な気持ちを抱いてしまうかもなと思った。