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自宅本 YL: 1.0 608 words
2024-06-28   れあめろでぃ コメント数:24 

I don't like to exprole because I like stay home. Ancient Musica Art in Gold⏪it looks like シリキウトゥンドゥ

自宅本 YL: 3.2 10000 words
2024-06-28 ★★★★  れあめろでぃ コメント数:24 

I love Nails because he has changed. First,Nails was dangerous‥‥‥but now,he is kind! Nutty is brave and I admire her.

自宅本 YL: 1.0 1300 words
2024-06-28   れあめろでぃ コメント数:24 

路上でViolin弾いてるのすごい。 路上ライブ取り締まられるのは可哀想。

自宅本 YL: 1.0 1900 words
2024-06-28   れあめろでぃ コメント数:24 

Ben思ったよりイケメン。。 好きなgirlの名前を知った時、"That's a beautiful name!"と言っていたが、共感した。

Vikings and Erik the Red, The
WHR2-10 YL: 1.5 882 words
2024-06-23 ★★★★★  れあめろでぃ コメント数:24 

I like カリブの海賊,so when I saw this book,I thought"I want to read it!" I was surprised that the Vikings were very clean.For example,they took bath about once a week(more than most people at that time) and they had ear-cleaners! "Thursday" come from the Viking language!This is an important influence.

War Between the States, The
WHR2-02 YL: 1.5 690 words
2024-06-23 ★★★★★  れあめろでぃ コメント数:24 

I learned about this war in history class,but I was able to learn new information.(Robert E.Leeとか) The South lost the war and there were many slaves. They asked the soldiers for help,so I want to help slaves in South. I hate war.LOVE&PEACE🌟

Making of a United Europe, The
WHR1-07 YL: 1.0 706 words
2024-06-22   れあめろでぃ コメント数:24 

Europe was at war in the past.I can't believe it because now Europe is peace. Japan is island country,so I wan't to live Europe.I love 🇫🇷&🇮🇹 💖💭 I'm going to Italy this summer,so I 'll try not to forget what's written in this book.

Persian Empire, The
WHR1-09 YL: 1.0 606 words
2024-06-21 ★★★★★  れあめろでぃ コメント数:24 

I interested ancient Greek Enpire,so I chose this book. Japan probably wasn't developed at this time... Cyrus and Darius were fair and didn't hurt people,so many people admire them.⏪Me too. They were great men.

Tower of Babel, The
WHR1-03 YL: 1.0 526 words
2024-06-19 ★★★★★  れあめろでぃ コメント数:24 

After reading this book,I became interested in languages. There are various theories about the origin of language.However,many theories associated with the tower,called"Babel". I'm studing English,but it is difficult... I want people all over the world to use Japanese✨

Magic of Numbers, The
WHR1-08 YL: 1.0 687 words
2024-06-19 ★★★★★  れあめろでぃ コメント数:24 

The other day,I read a book about ancient Egypt .It was very interesting and I think Egyptian was very clever.Also,I think Indians are clever.It's because,they created the numbers we use now. I was surprised that animals can also count.They can't speak like us,but they can count!It is amazing golden ratio=黄金比???

Who Was Albert Einstein?
WHO YL: 2.5 8873 words
2024-06-19 ★★★★★  れあめろでぃ コメント数:24 

I chose this book because I didn't know about Albert Einstein.I only saw his famous photo(funny tongue!). I was surprised that he was a very thinker. I’m currently studying “creative thinking” in NS class,so I realized thinking about many things is important. Also,I didn't know that he loved playing violin,and I was surprised. I usually play violin,so I'm happy💖 I like math too. Albert ≒ Me ?!?!?

Who Were the Beatles?
WHO YL: 2.5 9258 words
2024-06-16 ★★★★★  れあめろでぃ コメント数:24 

I choosed this book because I read the book about John Lennon who was in The Beatles before. I was able to learn new information. For examgle,I didn't know John was good at art. I only knew the song "Tutti Frutti"by NaniwaDanshi‥‥Little Richard sang"Tutti Frutti"too. I was surprised that Paul played the guiter in the bath!I can play the violin,but I didn't want to play in the bath. Their childhood were different,but I think it's a miracle that they ended up in the same group.

Who Was Mother Teresa?
WHO YL: 2.5 6830 words
2024-06-14 ★★★★★  れあめろでぃ コメント数:24 

This book is about Mother Teresa(probably, you can guess‥).I don't know about her before read this book. (さすがに I know her name)Also,to tell you the truth,I was never interested in her.However,front cover of this book is very funny!Her face is too big.(If you are interested,please read this book✨)And I love OFF series -this series are almost 伝記- ,so I lend this. After reading this I thought she was a great person. Mother Teresa helped many people who live poor areas. 英語で書くのむずいし内容ほぼ書いてないことに気づいた  兎に角凄い人。 何でそんなに人を救いたいと思えるのか。。

Pilgrim Fathers, The
WHR1-04 YL: 1.0 525 words
2024-06-12 ★★★★  れあめろでぃ コメント数:24 

ピルグリム・ファーザーズいつしか習ったという古の記憶。 メイフラワー号も出てきて懐かしかった。 全く覚えていなかったので、記憶に呼び起こせてよかった。

Calendars and the History of Time
WHR1-01 YL: 1.0 563 words
2024-06-12 ★★★★  れあめろでぃ コメント数:24 

時間の歴史、興味深かった。 当たり前だけど、時差があるから外国に行ったら時間go backできるって何か不思議。

Black Pearls, The
CER0 YL: 1.2 2569 words
2024-06-11 ★★★  れあめろでぃ コメント数:24 

大女優が窃盗の犯人だったとは驚き。 窃盗こわい。

Arman's Journey
CER0 YL: 1.2 2454 words
2024-06-11   れあめろでぃ コメント数:24 

親父が娘の恋愛に口出しする典型的なやつ。 Arman,一途なのは素敵だけど、Roses for Roseは冷めた。だじゃれ

CER0 YL: 1.2 2143 words
2024-06-11 ★★★★  れあめろでぃ コメント数:24 

戦争はやはり怖いと感じた。Alexがdeadなことを知らずにE-mailを送ってwhy why言ってるSaraが不憫。

One Day
CER2 YL: 2.6 9726 words
2024-06-09 ★★★  れあめろでぃ コメント数:24 

4つの家族が登場する短編。 あまり事件とかが起きなかったため、好みではなかった💧

Little Trouble in Dublin
CDR1 YL: 1.6 4256 words
2024-06-09 ★★★★  れあめろでぃ コメント数:24 

Mr Green shirt太ってて足遅いくせして計画性あるの何だか腹立たしい。 まさか先生とグルだったとは、何とも怖い。

John Lennon
OFF1 YL: 2.0 5798 words
2024-06-09 ★★★★★  れあめろでぃ コメント数:24 

ビートルズは、名前を知っているだけだったため、結成から解散までを知れて興味深かった。 幼い頃に両親が離婚したり、母親が事故死するなど、なかなか壮絶な過去であることに驚いた。 宿泊先のホテルで出待ちしたり、追いかけたりするのは、現代のオタクだけではなく、昔も同じだったのだと染み染み感じた。

Life and Diaries of Anne Frank, The
OFF3 YL: 3.4 12592 words
2024-06-06 ★★★★★  れあめろでぃ コメント数:24 

アンネフランクについては、何度か日本語の本で読んだことがあったため、生い立ちについては大方理解はしていたものの、改めて知り、凄い人だと思った。 父Ottoが日記を広めたことによって、アンネの存在が世に知れ渡り、戦争の悲惨さを今の時代にも伝えられているので、出版して良かったと思った。

Malala Yousafzai
OFF2 YL: 2.8 8183 words
2024-06-04 ★★★★★  れあめろでぃ コメント数:24 

マララについては、ほとんど知らなかったため、この本を通して知れて良かった。 タリバンに撃たれてもなお女性の教育の必要性を訴える姿が凄いと思った。 今の私と同じくらいのときに、このようなしっかりとした考えを持っていたと思うと尊敬。

Romeo and Juliet 2079
ODM2 YL: 2.6 8427 words
2024-06-03 ★★★★★  れあめろでぃ コメント数:24 

ロミオとジュリエットの話は何となくしか知らなかったが、面白かった。 2079年の設定なので、ロボットが出てきたり先進的になっていたりとファンタジー要素があり、飽きずに読めた。 一途にジュリエットを想い続けたロミオ、最後に結ばれてよかった。