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Sideways Stories from Wayside School
WSS YL: 4.4 19844 words  ★AVG=4.0 (3件)
2022-07-09 ★★★★  Ms. Obiya コメント数:142 

最初から最後までぶっ飛んでいてツッコミどころ満載で面白かった! 短編集なので読みやすい! My Weird Schoolが好きな人は好きかも!

Sideways Stories from Wayside School
WSS YL: 4.4 19844 words  ★AVG=4.0 (3件)
2022-02-09   Anonymous コメント数:64 

Wayside school is so different from our school. Most of all students, teachers and building are strange and unique and interesting to read. If I were in that school, I would be strange because of others, but that would be fun! I want to visit there!