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East 43rd Street
CER5 YL: 5.5 23000 words  ★AVG=4.0 (2件)
2022-07-19 ★★★★  X コメント数:58 

It is long story, but sentences are written in simple English. Marley is clever and a little cold, so he reminded me of Mr. Sherlock. 

East 43rd Street
CER5 YL: 5.5 22502 words  ★AVG=4.0 (2件)
2022-05-20   mandarine コメント数:6 

This story made me so excited! I’ve read the series of Marley and Oldenberg’s stories in the past and I was impressed to see their bonds got stronger through the dangerous incident. I felt sorry for Marley because he was involved in a big trouble but at the same time, it was very exciting to see how Marley acts while meeting with some suspects. I can’t wait to read another story of them!