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Judy Moody Gets Famous!
JM02 YL: 3.8 10000 words  ★AVG=5.0 (1件)
2022-02-12 ★★★★★  X コメント数:58 

Judy tried to many unique things so that she could be famous. She is little bit saucy, but I liked her character.

Judy Moody Gets Famous!
JM02 YL: 3.8 10000 words  ★AVG=5.0 (1件)
2021-08-18   Anonymous コメント数:64 

Anyone may want to be famous once. Judy is like us and very funny girl. It's just like us so I see our childhood. Her friends is on top of the newspaper. This is amazing, I think. In this story, she think about garage sale. It's so different from Japanese and I can learn what to American think. The last story is very good!