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Wild Country
CER3 YL: 3.6 14700 words  ★AVG=3.6 (5件)
2023-09-26   Ms. Obiya コメント数:142 

CERは裏にジャンルが書いてあって自分の好きなジャンルの本を選べるのでおすすめ。これはRomanceです。 正直この本は私にはグッとこなかったのですが、CERのRomanceは割と好きなものが多いです。 恋愛ものが読みたい人はぜひ試してみてください。

Wild Country
CER3 YL: 3.6 15144 words  ★AVG=3.6 (5件)
2023-07-22   URS コメント数:78 

面白かった、けど男女の仲はやっぱりわからん,,,。 まず、Tessが色々問題引き起こした(お客は楽しませたけど) のに、Grantはどこに惹かれたのか,,。いわゆる一目惚れというやつなのか、、? あと、最後に言いたいFrench Girlはどこいった!? 

Wild Country
CER3 YL: 3.6 14700 words  ★AVG=3.6 (5件)
2023-03-19   ._. コメント数:126 

I felt sorry for Tess, who goes around in vain no matter what she does, but I thought her paintings would one day make people feel better.

Wild Country
CER3 YL: 3.6 14700 words  ★AVG=3.6 (5件)
2021-12-27 ★★★★  na コメント数:24 

ツアーガイドを務める2人、性格が合わず沢山のトラブルがありますがそれを乗り越えていく物語。 みんなが輝けるんだという勇気をくれます! 

Wild Country
CER3 YL: 3.6 14700 words  ★AVG=3.6 (5件)
2021-08-12 ★★★  X コメント数:58 

A lots of invents happened in only ten days! I thought Sarah and James enjoyed their own holiday because Tess did really nice to them.

Wild Country
CER3 YL: 3.6 15144 words  ★AVG=3.6 (5件)
2021-06-29 ★★★★★  Anonymous コメント数:52 

It was very interesting love stroy. I like the Tess's character (hiroin) . She is a tour leader, but she wasn't good at this job. Actiory, she wanted to be an artist. Grant was very good at this job. So,Tess always thought Grant was laughing at her. But, the ending was very good.