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Why Pick on Me?
MR2 YL: 2.8 4631 words  ★AVG=4.0 (4件)
2023-05-30 ★★★★★  はとさぶれー コメント数:281 

This book was funny!  Marvin was hated by his classmates because students thought he picked his nose. So he wanted to show them that he didn’t pick his nose. He wrote a report that how many students picked their nose ever… 

Why Pick on Me?
MR2 YL: 2.8 4631 words  ★AVG=4.0 (4件)
2021-11-27   Anonymous コメント数:64 

Now, I am doing パンダ読み and choose this book because this YL is 2.8, but words are easy. That happen starts in the well-ball games. Marvin says "the ball was over the line". However, the enemy says "it doesn't" and "you pick your nose". That word change his school life. When I saw this situation, I was also doing like the ball is out or not and getting cross. I remember my childhood.

Why Pick on Me?
MR2 YL: 2.8 4631 words  ★AVG=4.0 (4件)
2021-08-14 ★★★★  chabi コメント数:24 

話の内容が面白く、すらすらと読むことができた。 物語の舞台が小学校なので、自分たちの小学校時代も思い出しながら、くすくすと笑って読むことのできるようなシリーズだと思います。 おすすめです! 

Why Pick on Me?
MR2 YL: 2.8 4631 words  ★AVG=4.0 (4件)
2021-05-15   Anonymous コメント数:20 

主人公が、レポート課題のためにクラスメイト全員に”Have you ever picked your nose?"と聞き回っているのが面白かった。 grossやfetch、forrifiedなど知らない単語がいくつか出てきたので、前後の文から意味を考えたりした。

Why Pick on Me?
MR2 YL: 2.8 4631 words  ★AVG=4.0 (4件)
2020-08-31   Anonymous コメント数:28 

One questions changed Marvin's school life!