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Tonight on the Titanic
MTH17 YL: 2.8 5137 words  ★AVG=5.0 (2件)
2023-11-08 ★★★★★  Anonymous コメント数:21 

I have seen Titanic in the movie so it was easy to understand and enjoy reading it.

Tonight on the Titanic
MTH17 YL: 2.8 5137 words  ★AVG=5.0 (2件)
2023-08-17 ★★★★★  どこでもドア コメント数:27 

We can't change the history fact, but we wish another happy ending of Titanic. やっぱりMagic Tree Houseは展開が面白かった。映画のTitanicには究極のラブロマンスと人の本性が描かれているので、これを機に見てみようと思います!