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Night of the Ninjas
MTH05 YL: 2.8 5260 words  ★AVG=3.7 (3件)
2023-11-24 ★★★★  Joe Biden コメント数:36 


Night of the Ninjas
MTH05 YL: 2.8 5260 words  ★AVG=3.7 (3件)
2023-10-08   どこでもドア コメント数:27 

If you want to became a ninja, you need to three things : Use nature. Be nature. Follow nature. Also, I love magic tree house series♡

Night of the Ninjas
MTH05 YL: 2.8 5260 words  ★AVG=3.7 (3件)
2021-12-01 ★★★★  Anonymous コメント数:52 

To tell the truth, I thought why Japanese ninjas understand English! I couldn't understand about that.