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JWS YL: 3.5 14000 words  ★AVG=4.4 (5件)
2022-08-28 ★★★★★  Ms. Obiya コメント数:142 

友だち5人組でsleepover partyに招待し合うのだけれど、そのうち1人が意地悪で…というお話。 JWSは童心に帰って楽しく読めて心が浄化される気がしてすきです。大人になってもsleepover partyは読んでいてわくわくします!

JWS YL: 3.5 14000 words  ★AVG=4.4 (5件)
2021-12-28 ★★★★★  ♡エンケンらぶい♡ コメント数:12 


JWS YL: 3.5 14000 words  ★AVG=4.4 (5件)
2021-11-10 ★★★★  X コメント数:58 

クロエが意地悪すぎて驚いた。 アメリカの女の子たちは誕生日にお泊まりパーティーをするのが普通なのか⁉︎ 調べてみようと思う。 

JWS YL: 3.5 14000 words  ★AVG=4.4 (5件)
2021-04-19   Anonymous コメント数:1 

This book is just great, and interesting. The book has 5 main character, Daisy, Amy, Bella, Chole and Emily and all the members are unique. The story is about sleepovers. 5 members go to friends house, and they play and sleep at there. There is some problems among 5 members, I was sometimes amazed because of their selfish attitudes, but it was interesting too. This book reminds me memory of my childhood, but it wasn't good memory. If you read it, you can remember memory of your childhood include bad memory. The book is easy to read, because the book didn't written in difficult English. Also all of passages aren't long, grammars are easy too. So definitely you can enjoy the book. If you are interested in Sleepovers, please try to read.

JWS YL: 3.5 14000 words  ★AVG=4.4 (5件)
2021-04-01 ★★★★★  Big Bear コメント数:262 
