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Inspector Logan
CER1 YL: 1.4 4200 words  ★AVG=4.0 (1件)
2022-06-04   ._. コメント数:126 

I thought that Andrew Buchan killed Margaret Kerr at first, because his car was blue and there was a brooch in his house. However, her husband, Robert killed her and he wanted to that police think killer is Andrew. I think love makes people's happiness, but it also makes person a killer...

Inspector Logan
CER1 YL: 1.4 4200 words  ★AVG=4.0 (1件)
2022-03-05 ★★★★  Harper コメント数:317 

「大人でも読み応えが感じられる警察もののミステリー」と多聴多読マガジンにも紹介されていました。Richard Macandrewの作品です。短くて読みやすいです。

Inspector Logan
自宅本 YL: 1.4 4200 words  ★AVG=4.0 (1件)
2020-07-31   Anonymous コメント数:4 
