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Lost in New York
PGR2 YL: 2.2 4100 words  
2024-04-29   Rilakkuma コメント数:83 

I don’t want to get lost in New York. It’s too big and has too many buildings to find someone . Nicky was lucky to find Mrs Minerva on the boat, but I couldn’t expect who Mrs Minerva was! I know it’s a story, but I think Nicky should not have run away from police. If he had told them everything, they would have not think he was a thief and have helped him.

Lost in New York
PGR2 YL: 2.2 4100 words  
2023-05-05   Anonymous コメント数:5 

Mrs Minervaの正体に驚いた。NewYorkで迷子になると本当に大変なことになるのだと改めて思った。

Lost in New York
PGR2 YL: 2.2 4100 words  
2021-05-24   Anonymous コメント数:1 
