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OBW4 YL: 3.8 19370 words  ★AVG=4.5 (2件)
2021-09-01 ★★★★★  McG コメント数:163 

Anne の気持ちが丁寧に描かれていて、8年以上の空虚な歳月を共に過ごした気がした。挿絵に大好きな映画のシーンが使われていて気分が盛り上がった。

OBW4 YL: 3.8 19370 words  ★AVG=4.5 (2件)
2021-04-20   Anonymous コメント数:33 

This book is the last novel fully completed by Jane Austen. The atmosphere is calm and gentle, but I could picture a gorgeous Victorian scenery in my mind. I was very impressed by the scene that Captain Wentworth removed a small boy’s hands from Anne’s hair. There aren’t any words or typical expression that show the deep love. It looks like a trivial moment, but I felt like I caught a glimpse of their beautiful secret, unconsciously.