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Grace Darling
OBW2 YL: 2.8 6700 words  ★AVG=3.6 (5件)
2024-04-23 ★★★★★  夏音 コメント数:27 

A ship had accident in the bad weather. People who were in this ship thought that we are going to die.On the other hand,there is a young woman,Grace is a very strong woman. She helped many people in danger.I think she is a hero to them.

Grace Darling
OBW2 YL: 2.8 6700 words  ★AVG=3.6 (5件)
2022-08-02 ★★★★★  Harper コメント数:317 

迫力満点のTrue story。Grace Darlingという勇敢な22歳の女性の活躍です。自然の厳しさ怖さを感じました。今でも、教会にある彼女のお墓や記念碑を訪ねることができるようです。