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Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde
自宅本 YL: 4.0 12520 words  ★AVG=3.9 (62件)
2024-05-31   Gorilla Earth  コメント数:60 

Senior 2 mid term exam This story is interesting

Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde
自宅本 YL: 0.0 12520 words  ★AVG=3.9 (62件)
2024-05-20 ★★★★  apple コメント数:96 


Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde
自宅本 YL: 0.0 12520 words  ★AVG=3.9 (62件)
2024-04-08 ★★★★★  Anonymous コメント数:126 

Mr Hydeがまさかの人物で面白かった。Dr Jekyllの手紙の意図と本当の意味がわかって感動した。

Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde
OBW4 YL: 3.8 13000 words  ★AVG=3.9 (62件)
2022-06-30   mandarine コメント数:6 

This story was astonishing. I felt sorry for Dr Jekyll’s fate.

Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde
OBW4 YL: 3.8 13000 words  ★AVG=3.9 (62件)
2022-06-30 ★★★★  chabi コメント数:24 


Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde
OBW4 YL: 3.8 13000 words  ★AVG=3.9 (62件)
2022-06-30 ★★  Wallflower  コメント数:54 

正直なところ、読む間何回か、? となっていました…JekyllからHydeに変わる時、誰も使用人たちは気づかなかったのでしょうか…謎が深まるストーリーです…まあ、それも含めてこの本の醍醐味といったところなのかもですね。ただ確かなことは、Jekyllはいい人のように描かれていたけど結局は残虐な面に抗えずに死を迎えているので、多くの人の心では良心よりも悪意が蔓延しやすいという真理を露わにしているのではないかと感じました。とりあえずHydeの犠牲者の女の子とお爺さんがただただ可哀想です…。

Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde
PEA3 YL: 4.5 13232 words  ★AVG=3.9 (62件)
2022-06-16 ★★★★★  ありんこ コメント数:106 

高2のOBWで読むJekyll and Hydeを、別バージョンで読み比べ。おもしろかった。OBWよりも好きかも。特にDr Jekyllの最後の告白が、OBWよりもディテールに富んでいて、Jekyllの心情をさらによく理解できた。

Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde
MMR3 YL: 2.8 9340 words  ★AVG=3.9 (62件)
2022-06-09 ★★★★  ありんこ コメント数:106 

高2のOBWで読むJekyll and Hydeを別のシリーズで読み比べ。わかりやすい英語で読みやすい。文学的な奥行きという意味ではOBWの方が上か。殺人を目撃したservantが主要な登場人物とは全く関係のない人で驚いた。

Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde
OBW4 YL: 3.8 15748 words  ★AVG=3.9 (62件)
2022-05-23 ★★★  Anonymous コメント数:34 


Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde
自宅本 YL: 0.0 12520 words  ★AVG=3.9 (62件)
2022-05-20   Rainbow コメント数:58 

最後のネタバラシまで全く意味がわからない、とても巧妙に書かれた本。 日本語で読んでも混乱するくらい難しいと思う…

Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde
OBW4 YL: 3.8 13000 words  ★AVG=3.9 (62件)
2022-05-14   Anonymous コメント数:64 

I read this book for OBW class. Theirs is the most interesting ever, I think. This is not a mystery, but I’m exciting to read through thinking about what happened to Jekyll and why Hyde is die. Jekyll and Hyde’s difference is so far. So I’m little scary because my friends are also have two sides and so different from I thought.

Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde
OBW4 YL: 3.8 15748 words  ★AVG=3.9 (62件)
2022-03-24 ★★★★  Anonymous コメント数:34 

This book was interesting to read, but I feeled scared. It's because it was expressed horrible side of human, like Dorian Gray. I'd like to read a warm story next time.

Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde
MMR3 YL: 2.8 9340 words  ★AVG=3.9 (62件)
2021-12-01 ★★★★★  Anonymous コメント数:52 

It was very interesting story. It was a mistery. I couldn't imagin the last while I read it. When I borrowed this book, I realized that it is Stephen King 's favourite story ! (written in WAW textbook) I expected it would be interesting, and it was.

Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde
OBW4 YL: 3.8 13000 words  ★AVG=3.9 (62件)
2021-04-20   Anonymous コメント数:33 

Like “The picture of Dorian Gray”, dark and heavy atmosphere was hanging over the book. Dr Jekyll’s scientific idea was extraordinary and enthusiastic, but I think every person has two types of sides in mind. To show some pieces of your real side is crucial to keep yourself.

Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde
OBW4 YL: 3.8 13000 words  ★AVG=3.9 (62件)
2021-01-13   Anonymous コメント数:28 

I had heard this title when I started to read this book. It was very interesting book to read. I believe every human have some side of their personality but Mr. Jekyll's 2 personality were horrible.

Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde
自宅本 YL: 0.0 12520 words  ★AVG=3.9 (62件)
2020-07-31   Anonymous コメント数:16 


Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde
OBW4 YL: 3.8 13000 words  ★AVG=3.9 (62件)
2020-07-30   Anonymous コメント数:2 

It was difficult to understand situation and their friendship at first.However I could understand it.

Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde
OBW4 YL: 3.8 13000 words  ★AVG=3.9 (62件)
2020-07-26 ★★★  Anonymous コメント数:5 


Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde
OBW4 YL: 3.8 13000 words  ★AVG=3.9 (62件)
2020-07-24 ★★★★  Anonymous コメント数:3 


Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde
OBW4 YL: 3.8 13000 words  ★AVG=3.9 (62件)
2020-06-18   Anonymous コメント数:3 

I was surprised at the end. It was mysterious and interesting.