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Tales of Mystery and Imagination
OBW3 YL: 3.2 11000 words  ★AVG=4.0 (3件)
2024-03-13   Gorilla Earth  コメント数:60 


Tales of Mystery and Imagination
OBW3 YL: 3.2 11000 words  ★AVG=4.0 (3件)
2023-09-10 ★★★  Harper コメント数:317 

Edgar Allan Poeの 怖い、こわい Horror 短編集です。恐ろしいと思いながらも、「そうだよね」と納得します。

Tales of Mystery and Imagination
OBW3 YL: 3.2 11000 words  ★AVG=4.0 (3件)
2023-03-19 ★★★★  milklik コメント数:29 

What a gloom story!! I thought that it is only for some people who like horror. If you cannot stand to see a frightening picture, you shouldn’t read this book (even opening the book). It is better to read this book under the sunshine, without darkness.

Tales of Mystery and Imagination
OBW3 YL: 3.2 11000 words  ★AVG=4.0 (3件)
2022-05-07 ★★★★★  Anonymous コメント数:4 
