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PGR2 YL: 2.4 5500 words  ★AVG=3.0 (1件)
2024-05-19   Rilakkuma コメント数:83 

I didn’t like the story while I was reading it because it was dark and dangerous, but I ‘m happy that it had a happy ending. Elzevir did bad things, but he was always kind to John. He was a criminal in police’s eyes, but was a loving farther for John. Sometimes, poverty makes people do wrong things. That’s too sad. *smuggler=a person who takes goods into or out of a country illegally

PGR2 YL: 2.4 5500 words  ★AVG=3.0 (1件)
2023-08-05 ★★★  cherry.s コメント数:48 
