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Audrey Hepburn
PGR2 YL: 2.2 4900 words  ★AVG=4.5 (2件)
2024-05-13   Rilakkuma コメント数:83 

Before reding, I didn't know much about her. I thought she was in " Gone with the wind", but actiolly she wasn't. A famous acteress like her has a bad time in life. It gave me a little hope.

Audrey Hepburn
PGR2 YL: 2.2 4900 words  ★AVG=4.5 (2件)
2023-06-12   cherry.s コメント数:48 

I knew more about Audrey Hepburn ! 世界的な名女優のドラマチック(?)な人生を味わったような気分になりました!

Audrey Hepburn
PGR2 YL: 2.2 4900 words  ★AVG=4.5 (2件)
2021-05-24   Happmin コメント数:13 

She was in many famous movie, but her life isn't good at all time.