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President's Murderer, The
OBW1 YL: 2.0 5243 words  ★AVG=3.4 (5件)
2023-06-30 ★★★★★  rei コメント数:24 


President's Murderer, The
OBW1 YL: 2.0 5243 words  ★AVG=3.4 (5件)
2023-06-10   ._. コメント数:126 

Actually Alex didn't kill the old president but the new president wanted to "murderer old president" so I guess true murderer was someone who collaborator of the new president bc he didn't like the old one and wanted himself to become new president instead of him.

President's Murderer, The
OBW1 YL: 2.0 5243 words  ★AVG=3.4 (5件)
2022-03-09 ★★★★  Harper コメント数:317 
