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But Was It Murder?
CER4 YL: 4.5 17000 words  ★AVG=4.5 (4件)
2022-01-29 ★★★★  Big Bear コメント数:262 


But Was It Murder?
CER4 YL: 4.5 17857 words  ★AVG=4.5 (4件)
2022-01-05 ★★★★★  X コメント数:58 

It was so interesting that I could read it in three days. You won’t be sure of whether it was suicide or not if you don’t finish reading it. かなりおすすめ! 

But Was It Murder?
CER4 YL: 4.5 17000 words  ★AVG=4.5 (4件)
2021-12-28 ★★★★★  Happmin コメント数:13 

People want to get money and be loved by someone they crazy into. Who killed? It was suicide? why? I recommend this book(and this CER series) to students who want to try book which level is 4-5. The number of words seems hard to finish reading. Though it is take times to read, you may read all pages eventually. I promise this series (book) will be good step to read more books.