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Lost Temples of the Maya, The
FPR4 YL: 2.4 1611 words  ★AVG=5.0 (2件)
2024-03-12 ★★★★★  Yoshida コメント数:46 

Maya文明のpyramidをめぐるHansen氏の苦闘が描かれる。 Expantion Readingの数字・カレンダーの話も難しいけど興味深い。 《Words》 archaeology:the study of ancient societies by examining what remains of their buildings, graves, tools etc tomb:a stone structure above or below the ground where a dead person is buried

Lost Temples of the Maya, The
FPR4 YL: 2.4 1611 words  ★AVG=5.0 (2件)
2024-01-24 ★★★★★  Tomato  コメント数:122 

Searching tombs in pyramid is very hard work. I admire them because they aren't content to give up easily.