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Amazing Galapagos Islands
COM7 YL: 1.0 1886 words  ★AVG=5.0 (2件)
2024-01-14 ★★★★★  Yoshida コメント数:46 

生物・地理好きにはおなじみの Galapagos Islandsについて学べる一冊! blue-footed boobyかわいい。 【興味深い単語】 ・lava : hot liquid rock that flows from a volcano, or this rock when it has become solid ・ocean currents 【興味深い表現】 ・They are right on the equator. ・Darwin wrote On the Origin of Spicies, in which he discussed his theory of natural selection.

Amazing Galapagos Islands
COM7 YL: 1.0 1886 words  ★AVG=5.0 (2件)
2023-12-21 ★★★★★  Tomato  コメント数:122 

I understood why is Galapagos amazing place. Animals and plants are very sacred.