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How It's Made: From Sugar to Candy
COM6 YL: 0.9 824 words  ★AVG=5.0 (2件)
2024-01-27 ★★★★★  Yoshida コメント数:46 

candyの語源がAeabic Wordとは驚き。 《Words》 Sugercane : a plant used to make suger Stalk : the main parts of plant

How It's Made: From Sugar to Candy
COM6 YL: 0.9 824 words  ★AVG=5.0 (2件)
2024-01-17 ★★★★★  Tomato  コメント数:122 

I was surprised that chocolate is one type of candy because it is made by sugar. I understood how to make candy from sugar.