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Wild Cities
PGU2 YL: 2.4 6000 words  ★AVG=4.0 (3件)
2024-06-25   Rilakkuma コメント数:83 

I didn’t know that so many kinds of animals are living in cities. It is a good thing that the animals which once disappeared from the city should be able to live there because it became cleaner than before. However, it is true that living with wild animals around can be difficult. We may have troubles, such as a car hitting the animals or a dangerous snake biting a man. We must live together keeping a distance from each other. To accomplish it, we must learn about the animals and think of some rules and customs to protect them. For example, we should keep the rivers clean, and also we should not leave our pets in the city because it can be a big problem.Trying to make a kind city for animals may be helpful for us, too.

Wild Cities
PGU2 YL: 2.4 6000 words  ★AVG=4.0 (3件)
2023-10-27 ★★★★★  Anonymous コメント数:126 


Wild Cities
PGU2 YL: 2.4 6000 words  ★AVG=4.0 (3件)
2023-06-13   アパマンショップ コメント数:32 


Wild Cities
PGU2 YL: 2.4 6000 words  ★AVG=4.0 (3件)
2023-05-29 ★★★★  きんぴらごぼう コメント数:110 

世界13の都市に住む動物たちの話。London、New York、もちろん東京にも、哺乳類、鳥類、昆虫、魚類、さまざまな生き物が住んでいるのに驚く。カラフルな色合いの都市のイラストも魅力的。隙間時間にも読みやすい構成。