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Wondrous Rex
PML YL: 2.4 5500 words  ★AVG=4.0 (2件)
2022-06-14 ★★★★★  きんぴらごぼう コメント数:110 

Patricia Maclachlan,好きな作家です。すーっと入ってくる、すっきりした英語がよみやすいし、いい感じです。誰でも、インスパイアしてくれる人、欲しいよね。それが犬なら、なおさら楽しい。オススメです。

Wondrous Rex
PML YL: 2.4 5500 words  ★AVG=4.0 (2件)
2022-06-12 ★★★  Big Bear コメント数:262 

Grace’s aunt is a writer. She has a dog named Rex. She says the dog inspires her. He helps her housework, and he can also write! It was a very calm, heart-warming story. Sentences are easy and simple, so it doesn’t take you so long to finish!