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Studio Ghibli : The Films of Hayao Miyazaki and Isao Takahata
KAB YL: 6.5 50000 words  
2023-07-13   オルカ コメント数:1 

ジブリ好き、特に宮崎駿と高畑勲好きに届け!という一冊。ほぼ全てのジブリ作品を概説しているで、見たことのある映画の章から読み始めるのがオススメです。まさかのカリオストロの城から風立ちぬまで網羅しています、最高ですね。因みに私は、千と千尋の神隠しが”spirited away”であることを初めて知りました...笑 センもチヒロもどこ行ったん...と。実利的なところで申しますと、研究室のジブリファンの留学生と雑談するときにとても役立ちました。

Studio Ghibli : The Films of Hayao Miyazaki and Isao Takahata
KAB YL: 6.5 50000 words  
2022-05-15   Marnie コメント数:10 

I thought it was an English translation of a Ghibli animation, but it was not. However, there were places where the dialogue was translated, and the difference in nuance between Japanese and English was interesting. There was also an analysis of the characterisation of the characters in Ghibli's anime, and it said that the word "素直" in Japanese is difficult to translate into English. It is quite fun to look at Japan from a foreign perspective!