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David Copperfield
PGU5 YL: 3.8 16797 words  ★AVG=5.0 (1件)
2024-03-24 ★★★★★  はとさぶれー コメント数:281 

I think the situation of Copperfield was difficult… I can’t imagine a life without no companions who help me. In this story, the things which I thought terrible or unfair were solved by completely clear way so please read this book once!

David Copperfield
OBW5 YL: 4.5 21000 words  ★AVG=5.0 (1件)
2023-10-22   URS コメント数:78 

授業で取り扱った本。 個人的にHamの死が一番ショックだった。 Emilyとの件でも1番傷ついただろうに、なんかこうもっと幸福になって欲しかったなと思う。 ただ、最後のAgnesの描写がすごく印象的だった。   Steerforth目線の物語を読んでみたい。

David Copperfield
OBW5 YL: 4.5 21000 words  ★AVG=5.0 (1件)
2023-10-13   ._. コメント数:126 

I don’t think David was unlucky boy at all because actually often he was in hard situations, but at that time people who wanted to help him are always around him. I believe that David through his life happily, and all of his decisions were not totally wrong and he must be satisfied with his own life.

David Copperfield
OBW5 YL: 4.5 21000 words  ★AVG=5.0 (1件)
2022-10-14 ★★★  Wallflower  コメント数:54 

面白くはあったのですが…なんでOBWの本って毎回こんなにも暗い話なのでしょうか…涙 Davidの養育環境悪過ぎない?Hamが不運過ぎない?Steerforthがクズ男過ぎない? などなど、ほんまにキリがないほどビビりポイント多めではありましたが、とりあえずDavidの人生にAgnesがいて良かった、救われた〜と思ったのはわたしだけではないはず…笑 辛いシーンが多い話でしたが、ストーリー展開的にはそんなに悪くないのかな、とも思います。先が気になる感じの構成になっており、ラスト10ページ弱の怒涛の展開感はすごくて圧倒されてました。読む上で難点があるとすれば登場人物が多い(しかもMrはじまり)ので、ごっちゃごちゃになりがちではありました。人物整理しながら読み進めた方が圧倒的に楽かな、と思います!

David Copperfield
OBW5 YL: 4.5 21000 words  ★AVG=5.0 (1件)
2022-10-14   mandarine コメント数:6 

There were many characters so I was quite confused when I read it for the first time. I felt sorry for Agnes because she had to hide her love to David for long time.

David Copperfield
OBW5 YL: 4.5 21000 words  ★AVG=5.0 (1件)
2022-10-14 ★★★★★  milklik コメント数:29 

It was scary but interesting. I feel afraid when I imagine that if it had not been ~.

David Copperfield
OBW5 YL: 4.5 21000 words  ★AVG=5.0 (1件)
2022-10-14 ★★★★  Anonymous コメント数:34 


David Copperfield
OBW5 YL: 4.5 21000 words  ★AVG=5.0 (1件)
2022-10-06 ★★★★★  aKa コメント数:68 


David Copperfield
OBW5 YL: 4.5 21000 words  ★AVG=5.0 (1件)
2022-10-06   Anonymous コメント数:64 

David's life was not so good. His dearest mother died when he was young and also many of his friends dead. If I were David, it would be hard to live. However, he could alive. It was because there are some kind people such as Agnes and Pegotty. I learnt that human's life was not so easy.

David Copperfield
OBW5 YL: 4.5 21000 words  ★AVG=5.0 (1件)
2022-08-08 ★★★★★  Big Bear コメント数:262 


David Copperfield
OBW5 YL: 4.5 21000 words  ★AVG=5.0 (1件)
2022-07-14 ★★★★★  chabi コメント数:24 


David Copperfield
OBW5 YL: 4.5 21000 words  ★AVG=5.0 (1件)
2021-08-01 ★★★★  MM コメント数:9 

Dora was a lovely girl, but her excessive innocence affected her married life, so I prefer practical Agnes. I was glad to know that Emily was found!