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Ghost Stories
PGU3 YL: 3.0 7752 words  ★AVG=3.6 (5件)
2024-07-12 ★★★★★  Gorilla Earth  コメント数:83 

このシリーズを初めて読んだが結構わかりやすい。 13番の部屋の中からケダモノが出てきて襲われるけど助かる話が面白かった。

Ghost Stories
PGU3 YL: 3.0 7752 words  ★AVG=3.6 (5件)
2024-05-08 ★★★★  はとさぶれー コメント数:316 

寝てたらお化けが現れた…のは怖すぎる、 ホラー好きにはおすすめの一冊

Ghost Stories
PGU3 YL: 3.0 7752 words  ★AVG=3.6 (5件)
2022-12-31 ★★★  milklik コメント数:29 

面白かった。 音源付きで聞いた方が良かったと思った。 

Ghost Stories
OBW5 YL: 4.5 21000 words  ★AVG=3.6 (5件)
2022-11-27   Ms. Obiya コメント数:157 

6つの短編集で怖い話は結構怖かったので昼に読むのがおすすめ!私は一番最後の話が一番好きでした。  #B4S2

Ghost Stories
PGU3 YL: 3.0 7752 words  ★AVG=3.6 (5件)
2022-03-17 ★★★★  Enter Key コメント数:3 

The stories are all interesting.Room13 is really mistery.In other countries like Canada also most of the apartments don't have the 4th floor and 13rd floor. When I finish reading this book,suddenly light was down and earthquake happened.I felt really scary.

Ghost Stories
OBW5 YL: 4.5 21000 words  ★AVG=3.6 (5件)
2021-04-18   Anonymous コメント数:28 

I love this book so much. It is a short stories and many kinds of ghost stories were there. Personally, my favorite one was ''The Judge's House'' and after I read this chapter I could not go to restroom alone....

Ghost Stories
UI YL: 3.5 24000 words  ★AVG=3.6 (5件)
2021-04-17   mystery banana コメント数:4 

It was very interesting. The reason was so amazing. I couldn't understand this mystery myself.