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In the Mouth of the Wolf
MMP YL: 3.5 21000 words  ★AVG=4.5 (2件)
2024-04-03 ★★★★★  はとさぶれー コメント数:281 

As I want to recommend this book, I read this book imagining the background of the story again. The story was written Michael Morpurgo whose family lived during war time. Francis whose uncle of this book’s author is a main character of this book. His younger brother wanted to be an actor very much but he had to work for his country. After this changing, Francis had changed his mind. He decided to work for his country like his brother as a secretly trained soldier. The situation of that world worse than ever and he was at risk of be killed in the prison. I thought this circumstance was one of the worst things of all over the world and this book told me of importance of peaceful world. If you have time, please read this book.

In the Mouth of the Wolf
MMP YL: 3.5 21000 words  ★AVG=4.5 (2件)
2024-03-26 ★★★★★  はとさぶれー コメント数:281 

This story was about Michael Morpurgo’s uncle’s story. 作者の叔父の目線で物語が進んでいった。あってるかわからないけれど、彼の叔父は戦時中にスパイ(?)をしていたけれど実の弟の死をきっかけに戦争ナチスへのレジスタンスを始めた。 戦争は人の暮らしも考え方もどんどん変えていってしまう恐ろしいものだと改めて思った。 分量は多いが挿絵がわかりやすかったため1日で読めた。 平和への想いが強まる一冊。

In the Mouth of the Wolf
MMP YL: 3.5 21000 words  ★AVG=4.5 (2件)
2022-06-30 ★★★★  Zhu コメント数:4 

it has a lot of words that i don't know, so it was too difficult for me. i could only understand that the war can change the pepole's way of thinking. Now, i can say that i won't join war without any doubts, but i wondered what if my family or friends were killed in a war. Maybe i would change may opinion.