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Get Smart
CDE-B1 YL: 2.4 3000 words  ★AVG=4.3 (7件)
2024-06-05   Flower Village コメント数:20 

The brain is interesting because we don't know it's detail. But,it is controlling the many things such as sneaking and thinking,listening like that. The brain can feel senses. It is difficult. I think that us the most interesting about the brain.

Get Smart
CDE-B1 YL: 2.4 3000 words  ★AVG=4.3 (7件)
2023-10-16 ★★★  Anonymous コメント数:30 


Get Smart
CDE-B1 YL: 2.4 3000 words  ★AVG=4.3 (7件)
2022-10-31 ★★★★  きんぴらごぼう コメント数:110 

脳科学の話は本当に面白い❗️ バイリンガルの人は、発話を司る脳の部分が損傷しても、1つ言葉を失うがもう1つの言葉は失わない、って本当なのかな?バイリンガルってお得 #B4S2

Get Smart
CDE-B1 YL: 2.4 3000 words  ★AVG=4.3 (7件)
2021-06-19 ★★★★  Anonymous コメント数:13 

I didn’t know that smell is the most powerful information for the brain. The story that 光源氏 remembered his girlfriend owe to the fruit (橘?)came my mind.