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Do Not Disturb
CDE-A1+ YL: 1.8 1900 words  ★AVG=4.6 (7件)
2023-06-30 ★★★★  R コメント数:22 

I learned how important sleep is. I have to sleep enough time. I think it's important for teenagers.

Do Not Disturb
CDE-A1+ YL: 1.8 1900 words  ★AVG=4.6 (7件)
2023-05-05 ★★★★★  inosuke コメント数:9 


Do Not Disturb
CDE-A1+ YL: 1.8 1900 words  ★AVG=4.6 (7件)
2023-04-17 ★★★★★  Tomato  コメント数:122 

I understood that sleeping is very important. I want to sleep a lot 😪

Do Not Disturb
自宅本 YL: 1.8 1900 words  ★AVG=4.6 (7件)
2021-06-26   miLu コメント数:13