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Lift, The
PAGE3 YL: 2.2 4796 words  ★AVG=2.6 (7件)
2023-08-26 ★★★  zuno👋🏻 コメント数:61 

It’s difficult to spend a lot of time in perfect life. I think perfect life isn’t important for me. But I want to full of life. 

Lift, The
PAGE3 YL: 2.2 4796 words  ★AVG=2.6 (7件)
2021-06-14 ★★★  McG コメント数:163 

Reading page 17, I understood why the title of the book is "The Lift".

Lift, The
PAGE3 YL: 2.2 4796 words  ★AVG=2.6 (7件)
2021-03-30 ★  Big Bear コメント数:262 

I think people who steal something have some reasons, but it never makes their life easier.