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Sherlock Holmes More Short Stories
OBW2 YL: 2.8 8351 words  ★AVG=3.9 (11件)
2022-08-18 ★★★★★  Harper コメント数:317 


Sherlock Holmes More Short Stories
OBW2 YL: 2.8 8351 words  ★AVG=3.9 (11件)
2022-01-27 ★★★★★  Anonymous コメント数:4 

面白かった!,!! 内容は読んでほしいので言えないけれどドキドキするしワクワクする!!!! 

Sherlock Holmes More Short Stories
OBW2 YL: 2.8 8351 words  ★AVG=3.9 (11件)
2021-12-15 ★★★★  milklik コメント数:29 

What a Holmes’s death! I didn’t know about his death, but I thought that it was sad. I thought that only Holmes could know about Moriarty.