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Are You Listening?
CDE-A1+ YL: 1.8 1900 words  ★AVG=3.0 (1件)
2024-06-01   Flower Village コメント数:20 

I can listening to the sounds. It is good for me. I play the piano everyday now. I think music has a lot of colours. Colours and atmosphere of the music are same,but it is difficult to distinguish. go deaf は耳が聞こえなくなるという意味

Are You Listening?
CDE-A1+ YL: 1.8 1900 words  ★AVG=3.0 (1件)
2023-05-06   Natsuki Unakami コメント数:89 

得られる情報が多くおもしろかった。  このテーマでここまで広がるとは!

Are You Listening?
CDE-A1+ YL: 1.8 1900 words  ★AVG=3.0 (1件)
2021-04-19   もきゅん コメント数:6 

This is an innteresting book.