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CDE-B2 YL: 2.6 3500 words  ★AVG=4.0 (4件)
2023-11-26   Gorilla Earth  コメント数:60 

I should protect my skin. I use cream and oil. I don’t want to sun damage because I already have sunburn.However I can’t avoid sun burn because I am in the swimming club that training out side. I hope my skin will be young for a long time.

CDE-B2 YL: 2.6 3500 words  ★AVG=4.0 (4件)
2023-11-03   URS コメント数:78 

刺青も色々な先入観で怖く見えるけど、よく見ると綺麗だったりすることあるよねっと思った。 時間の変化というのは面白いよね。 

CDE-B2 YL: 2.6 3500 words  ★AVG=4.0 (4件)
2023-09-27   H コメント数:69 

I was surprised by tattoo part. In japan,most people consider that tattoos are bad. But,overseas they are consider tattoos are cool. I think tattoos are so cool.I want to be tattoos are recognized and loved by japanese people.