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All about Ella
LG YL: 2.5 2900 words  ★AVG=4.1 (8件)
2023-10-05 ★★★★  はとさぶれー コメント数:281 


All about Ella
LG YL: 2.5 2900 words  ★AVG=4.1 (8件)
2023-04-27 ★★★★  Anonymous コメント数:9 

This book is a story of girl and her bick brother. A heartwarming story about family ties.

All about Ella
LG YL: 2.5 2900 words  ★AVG=4.1 (8件)
2023-04-20 ★★★★  とくめい コメント数:3 

There were some difficult words, but I understood the story.  This story is about a girl who wants to know what day was she born on. It was really interesting. I recommend this book to someone who like the story about a family.

All about Ella
LG YL: 2.5 2900 words  ★AVG=4.1 (8件)
2022-01-24 ★★★★★  McG コメント数:163 

心温まる物語。絵も素敵。章立てと、ページごとの文字の少なさがEllaの気持ちととても合っている感じがする。 いちばん共感できたのは、p.66 We eat . . . . .crunchy frozen peas, because everyone knows frozen peas are nicer than cooked ones.

All about Ella
LG YL: 2.5 2900 words  ★AVG=4.1 (8件)
2021-08-23 ★★★★★  M.N. コメント数:47 
