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China's First Empire: The Qin Dynasty
WHR6-10 YL: 3.5 1474 words  ★AVG=3.0 (1件)
2024-06-18 ★★★★★  はとさぶれー コメント数:281 

秦の始皇帝についての話。 世界史でこの前習い終わった範囲だったので、内容の理解に役立った。 李斯をLi Siという表記で載っていたり兵馬俑の写真があったりして興奮した。 文系の人にオススメ!復習になります!

China's First Empire: The Qin Dynasty
WHR6-10 YL: 3.5 1474 words  ★AVG=3.0 (1件)
2024-04-24 ★★★★★  Tomato  コメント数:122 

I learned Qin Shi Huang who was the first Qin emperor. I recognized again that real people sometimes do both good things and bad things.

China's First Empire: The Qin Dynasty
WHR6-10 YL: 3.5 1474 words  ★AVG=3.0 (1件)
2023-05-01 ★★★  はとさぶれー コメント数:281 

When we study the history, we usually think that who was a good person?and who was a bad person? History was made by people, so there were no all the great or all the bad.