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Capitalism: Good or Evil?
WHR6-9 YL: 3.5 1349 words  ★AVG=3.3 (4件)
2024-04-22 ★★★★★  Tomato  コメント数:122 

I prefer capitalism because I want to be rich by working a lot. However we must deal with the matter about porverty.

Capitalism: Good or Evil?
WHR6-9 YL: 3.5 1349 words  ★AVG=3.3 (4件)
2023-04-27 ★★★  はとさぶれー コメント数:281 

Many countries are Capitalism like Japan. They have to work hard and make an effort to get money in the Capitalism. 

Capitalism: Good or Evil?
WHR6-9 YL: 3.5 1349 words  ★AVG=3.3 (4件)
2021-11-28   Anonymous コメント数:64 

This series' YL is about 3.5, but they have CDs! Also stories are not too long. It is good for read in the free time. This book is written about "capitalism". In 倫理, we learn about マルクス and in 世界史, we learn about how to make 社会主義. (These are nearly opposite of capitalism) So, I was interesting to read than the others. I learn about many sides of capitalism. For example, about poverty, the good point is solve it and create wealth. The bad point is that create a few millionaires and million of poor people.