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Little Red Hen, The
UFR3 YL: 0.7 497 words  ★AVG=4.0 (1件)
2023-05-11   ._. コメント数:126 

She did everything to grow flour and make bread, so she could eat all of bread and it's natural. And the cat, the duck, and the rat couldn't eat it because they didn't anything helping for her. All animals are self-sentered.

Little Red Hen, The
KCR3-06 YL: 0.4 224 words  ★AVG=4.0 (1件)
2022-06-06 ★★★★  大🐟生米なボリボリ🐨🦄 周深 コメント数:111 

リトルレッドヘンはビッグファットチキンと一緒に暮らしています しかしビッグファットチキンは全然家事をやりません どうしましょう⁉︎🐔