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MCE YL: 6.5 67000 words  ★AVG=4.0 (1件)
2024-02-20   Ms. Obiya コメント数:142 

中学生の時に日本語で読んだ以来のモモ。改めて読んでみたらすごく良くて、やはり名作だなと思いました。 何はなくともせかせか生きてしまいがちなので、豊かな時間の使い方について考えさせられます。

MCE YL: 6.5 67000 words  ★AVG=4.0 (1件)
2021-01-18   Anonymous コメント数:33 

I was very impressed with Momo’s listening skill. She totally removes her personally emotion while she is listening and most people cannot do this. Reflecting on myself, I often have been selfish and sloppy when I was listening to my family or friends. However, Momo told me that a person’s life is a second and one’s personality consists of the way of he/she spent the time. So I am determined to have an empty, clear mind when I listen to someone who I care a lot about.