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Earthquake, The
PAR2 YL: 2.4 5191 words  
2024-06-29 ★★★★★  NAGOOOOO コメント数:5 


Earthquake, The
PAR2 YL: 2.4 5191 words  
2024-05-04   Flower Village コメント数:20 

The earthquake is dangerous and scary.It can change everythings.For example,a lot of people dead and had ill and hurt,broke the buildings,people was panic.I don't want to think about these terrible things and happend,but we must prepare for the earthquake after read this story I think. Earthquakeは地震という意味。

Earthquake, The
LO2 YL: 2.2 5720 words  
2022-05-10   Mr.Beans コメント数:13 
