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Everest Story, The
OFF3 YL: 3.4 10150 words  ★AVG=3.8 (4件)
2024-01-09   ._. コメント数:126 

frostbite→霜焼け I learnt about Mt Everest history in my lesson, but this book gave me a much better understanding of the situation at that time, and I found it interesting to read. The most impressive sentence was, of course, the last one which said Mallory's wife's photograph was not in his pockets.

Everest Story, The
OFF3 YL: 3.4 10150 words  ★AVG=3.8 (4件)
2023-10-16 ★★★★★  Joe Biden コメント数:36 


Everest Story, The
OFF3 YL: 3.4 10150 words  ★AVG=3.8 (4件)
2023-05-21 ★★★★  はとさぶれー コメント数:281 

This book’s story was really scary…I read at night so I felt scary more…  Do you want to climb the Everest? In this nonfiction book, two men had disappeared  and they weren’t found even now.