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Beauty and the Beast
HP1-01 YL: 1.4 3284 words  ★AVG=3.0 (1件)
2024-01-06 ★★★★  Anonymous コメント数:34 


Beauty and the Beast
PKD3 YL: 0.8 756 words  ★AVG=3.0 (1件)
2023-04-25   Anonymous コメント数:14 

I love Belle becouse she is very cute and smart girl. I lover this book in Disney story.That is good love story.

Beauty and the Beast
HP1-01 YL: 1.4 3284 words  ★AVG=3.0 (1件)
2022-11-17 ★★★★★  大🐟生米なボリボリ🐨🦄 周深 コメント数:111 

美女🧒🏻と野獣😈 このアニメ(実写?)は誰でも見たことがあるものだと思う 薔薇🌹をバラバラ🥀にした爺さん👴🏻が野獣😈に囚われ、それを末っ子の娘🧒🏻が救いに行く話‥ ではなく美女🧒🏻と野獣😈のラヴストーリー❤️  ストーリー知ってるからいいやではなくきちんと英語版の本も読もう! 梨男🍐はこのストーリを知ってるらしい 衝撃!! 🤭🤭🤭🤭

Beauty and the Beast
EP1 YL: 1.8 7700 words  ★AVG=3.0 (1件)
2022-10-20   Sugar コメント数:5 

I really like the character of the protagonist, who is straightforward and honest. I would never have liked the Beast if I had been in this story.

Beauty and the Beast
EP1 YL: 1.8 7700 words  ★AVG=3.0 (1件)
2022-03-26 ★★★★★  McG コメント数:163 


Beauty and the beast
自宅本 YL: 0.0 3033 words  ★AVG=3.0 (1件)
2021-09-28 ★★★★  Emma コメント数:6 

This isn't story what everyone know. (isn't Disney's) It's also have interesting story. In famous movie, the main character is Bell and Beast. Bell doesn't have mother or other siblings, but the story's main character is Beauty and she have two old sisters and three brothers. The sisters personality is like the Cindella's old sister. In the end, this point is important comparison with bell. I have known the Beauty and the Beast, but I felt first reading. So you can read without boring.