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Who Was Steve Jobs?
WHO YL: 2.5 7367 words  ★AVG=3.8 (5件)
2023-09-16   H コメント数:69 

I realized that Steve's success was the result of hard work, so I decided to study hard as well.

Who Was Steve Jobs?
WHO YL: 2.5 7367 words  ★AVG=3.8 (5件)
2022-09-26   Sugar コメント数:5 

I assumed I knew quite well about him but reading this book made me realize that my assumption was completely wrong. His madness caused tremendous changes in our daily lives and contributed greatly to his achievements.

Who Was Steve Jobs?
WHO YL: 2.5 7367 words  ★AVG=3.8 (5件)
2021-08-06 ★★★  Anonymous コメント数:34 

Steave JobsがStar warsの製作に関わっていたことを知らなかったので驚いた。

Who Was Steve Jobs?
WHO YL: 2.5 7367 words  ★AVG=3.8 (5件)
2021-05-04 ★★★★  Big Bear コメント数:262 

I think the key for his success was the mindset that he always tried to think differently. All of his inventions have totally changed our lifestyle and made our days more enjoyable. His creativity is “insanely great”.

Who Was Steve Jobs?
WHO YL: 2.5 7367 words  ★AVG=3.8 (5件)
2021-04-16 ★★★  Anonymous コメント数:1 

This book was about his life.He is known by smart phone.That was interesting.