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Who Was Walt Disney?
WHO YL: 2.5 7323 words  ★AVG=3.5 (2件)
2023-10-08   H コメント数:69 

OMG please give me creative thinking like Disney

Who Was Walt Disney?
WHO YL: 2.5 7323 words  ★AVG=3.5 (2件)
2021-09-23   blah blah blah  コメント数:9 

I love Disney animations since when I was young. However, then I did not know what kind of people made them. Walt Disney is the most famous movie producer all around the world, on the other hand, he had spent an interesting life. If you read it, probably you will able to get new information and see Disney movies much more fun! Read it!

Who Was Walt Disney?
WHO YL: 2.5 7323 words  ★AVG=3.5 (2件)
2021-04-16 ★★★  Anonymous コメント数:1 
